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Success Stories & Case Studies

The unique needs of the healthcare industry require specialized computer hardware beyond the scope of most every other industry. We invite you to take a few moments to review some of our most recent success stories and learn how our partners are using Cybernet's medical computers to make processes more efficient, save money and improve patient care.

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The primary challenge Halo faced was finding computers that matched their criteria for affordability, reliability, and specificity without compromising on performance.

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The turning point came in 2023 when Halo connected with Cybernet, whose portfolio of medical-grade computers offered the perfect balance of functionality, reliability, and aesthetics needed for Halo's ultrasound technology.

Results Icon Results

Adopting Cybernet's medical computers transformed Halo's ability to compete and succeed in the medical imaging market.

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Memorial Health needed reliable, cleanable HIPAA-compliant computers & efficient delivery. They sought mobile charting solutions - affordable, large-screen laptops on lightweight carts.

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Cybernet solved Memorial Health's IT needs by providing cleanable HIPAA-compliant computers & timely delivery for over a decade while offering mobile battery-powered medical computers for bedside charting, reducing costs & improving mobility.

Results Icon Results

Implementing Cybernet's medical-grade, all-in-one computers across Memorial Health's network significantly improved the organization's operational efficiency, compliance, patient care, and cost effectiveness.

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After facing some supply chain issues brought on by COVID, they realized their system is not sustainable since they're dealing with multiple suppliers, and if anything happens to them they'll have distribution problems.

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Cybernet happened to be at the right place at the right time and with the right product to support KB Port, but perhaps the most important factor in this equation was the right attitude.

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The CyberMed NB computer allowed them to eliminate the need for many suppliers since it can power the cart. Not only that, KB Port liked the CyberMed NB units so much they designed a cart specifically for it to match its elegance and color.

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UWH was experiencing hardware failures in the computers running their patient monitoring system. They knew they needed a change and had a specific set of requirements. Most importantly, they needed a Power over Ethernet computer.

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Having already worked with Cybernet Manufacturing on a previous deployment of medical computers for their anesthesia carts, UWH turned to their trusted partner for a solution. That solution was the CyberMed M12.

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After working out some initial hiccups, UWH has reported zero hardware failures with the Cybernet units. The nurses love the reliability of the units as well as the aesthetic appeal of the white medical grade units on the ward.

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After a decade in the field, Lifelines Neuro was looking to upgrade their Trackit V at-home EEG device to utilize a more robust tablet. There were a number of specifications that needed to be met in order to be approved for use.

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The medical grade certification of the CyberMed Rx, with its rugged build for at-home users, was the perfect combination. A powerful Intel processor and Windows 10 operating system helped seal the deal.

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Lifelines had no trouble navigating the regulatory challenges of bringing an updated device to market thanks to Cybernet's vast experience in the field. The rugged construction has also reduced damaged units in the field.

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ID Solutions needed to find a hardware partner that understood the healthcare space and could provide them with a medical grade device to power their turnkey telemedicine carts.

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After initially using a different hardware manufacturer, ID Solutions began getting calls complaining about the reliability of the devices. They quickly began evaluating other manufacturers and settled on the CyberMed NB22.

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The reliability issues that end-users reported quickly ceased once ID Soultions switched over to Cybernet devices. In fact, the roll-out of the Medsitter has been so successful that IS Solutions has expanded their product line.

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Intramedical Imaging was updating their cutting edge device, the Node Seeker 2000. They needed to find a medical grade tablet capable of powering the device that would help them earn MDSAP certification for global distribion.

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After struggling with the bulkiness and slow processing speed of a different tablet, Intramedical was contacted by Cybernet. After demoing the CyberMed T10C medical tablet it became immediately clear that this was their solution.

Results Icon Results

Intramedical Imaging was able to earn MDSAP (Medical Device Single Audit Program) certification, allowing them to distribute globally. They are now looking to expand the functionality of the device into robotic surgery.

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Endotronix was looking for a "brain" to run their PA Pressure Sensor System. They needed a medical grade computer that could help them pass FDA approval with a number of other must have features built in for a successful trial.

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After evaluating a number of manufacturers, Endotronix found that only one device, the CyberMed S22 checked off every single box on their must have list. This would be the critical piece in developing their new device.

Results Icon Results

Since deploying the CyberMed S22 units throughout their clinical trial sites, the team at Endotronix has been impressed with its success. So much so that Endotronix has already started swapping out old hardware with Cybernet.

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