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Memorial Health & Cybernet: A Longstanding Relationship of Succ

Established in 1897, Memorial Health is an Illinois healthcare organization that provides a wide range of medical services across multiple locations, including emergency care, urgent care, heart care, and primary care. They offer both in-person and virtual care options, and their services are supported by advanced medical technology.

Challenge Icon Challenge

In 2010, Memorial Health, under the guidance of their technology and healthcare IT teams, sought to upgrade their healthcare-compliant computers to better serve their patients and staff. Their requirements were stringent, favoring equipment that could withstand the healthcare environment's demands while providing reliability and efficiency.

Memorial Health faced several challenges that hindered their ability to provide efficient and compliant healthcare services. The primary concern was finding HIPAA-compliant all-in-one computers that could withstand rigorous cleaning protocols and meet the stringent demands of healthcare environments. 

Another concern was the long turnaround times for receiving equipment and the lack of standardization across multiple care sites presented significant operational hurdles. Memorial Health required a solution that could meet their technical and compliance needs and improve their technology lifecycle management across all locations.

More recently, in 2024, Memorial Health was navigating a challenging need for mobile computing solutions that could facilitate bedside charting by nurses in patient rooms. The objective was to find a balance between mobility and functionality—ideally moving away from the high costs associated with powered carts without compromising the quality of patient care.

They looked into battery-powered carts and 17” laptops from Dell. However, this solution came with a considerable price tag without fully meeting the requirements for a larger screen and lighter cart solution that’s easy to move around.

Solution Icon Solution

After the initial challenge over a decade ago, Cybernet were introduced to Memorial Health by Bradfield, a vendor they collaborated with. Cybernet's response to Memorial Health’s challenges was comprehensive and multifaceted, offering a range of medical-grade, all-in-one computers that were HIPAA-compliant and met the standards for washability (fully enclosed, non-porous surfaces). 

Cybernet provided the technical foundation for Memorial Health's IT overhaul. Furthermore, Cybernet facilitated a collaborative planning process to ensure that Memorial Health had the necessary devices in a timely manner. 

Ever since, Memorial Health have exclusively used Cybernet’s all-in-one computers, repeatedly replacing them with newer models of the series.

In response to Memorial Health’s recent need for a streamlined, efficient, and cost-effective solution for bedside patient care, Cybernet offered a battery-powered all-in-one medical computer that perfectly aligned with the mobility, functionality, and efficiency requirements.

With Cybernet's battery-powered computers, Memorial Health was able to transition away from the traditional, high-cost powered carts. Instead, they implemented a fleet of non-powered carts equipped with Cybernet’s all-in-one computers — a move that dramatically reduced costs and improved the mobility of nursing staff. These innovative devices featured large, crisp screens essential for effective charting and patient data entry at the bedside, ensuring that nurses could deliver the highest quality care without technology constraints.

This solution provided a uniform, efficient technology framework across all Memorial Health’s care sites.

Results Icon Results

Implementing Cybernet’s medical-grade, all-in-one computers across Memorial Health's network marked a significant turning point in the organization's operational and technological capabilities.

Operational Efficiency and Enhanced Compliance: By transitioning to Cybernet’s HIPAA-compliant and seamlessly integrable computers, Memorial Health has significantly streamlined its operations. The uniform technology infrastructure across all locations has simplified IT management, optimized workflows, and ensured a consistent level of care delivery. 

Financial Impact: The shift from costly powered carts to Cybernet’s battery-powered, all-in-one computers on non-powered carts resulted in considerable cost savings. These savings stem from reduced capital expenditure and decreased maintenance costs.

Patient Care and Safety: A cornerstone of Cybernet’s solution was to facilitate bedside care, allowing healthcare providers to conduct patient charting directly in patient rooms without the need to retreat to nurse stations. This development has significantly improved the accuracy of patient records by minimizing risks associated with delayed or forgotten entries.

Technology and Care Integration: Implementing Cybernet’s all-in-one computers has also fostered a more integrated approach to care. The uniformity of the IT environment across multiple care sites has made data more accessible and integrated, supporting better-informed decision-making in patient care.

Choosing Cybernet for our medical-grade computing needs has been a pivotal decision for Memorial Health. The ease of use, compatibility with our existing systems, and the overall stability of the products have been outstanding. Throughout our long-standing relationship, we’ve hardly encountered equipment failures, and on the rare occasions we needed support, Cybernet was quick and efficient. Their commitment to innovation and responsiveness to customer feedback has played a significant role in enhancing our healthcare delivery capabilities.

- Josh Terrell, IS Customer Support Services