How to Choose the Right Business Tablet: A Comprehensive Guide

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade or so, then you probably know how popular computer tablets are for businesses. These slim, flexible computers help businesses access Internet-based tools, manage inventories, handle presentations, and perform various other tasks.  But…

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Barcode Scanners: Everything You Need to Know for Efficient Inventory Management

Businesses constantly seek to increase their productivity, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. And it’s just not businesses: non-profits like healthcare organizations are also on the lookout to deliver the best patient care.  Barcode technology is helping both sectors accomplish their goals,…

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Windows Tablets And Workplace Efficiency | 5 Ways Business Tablets Improve Productivity

The order of the international business milieu is rapidly evolving. With businesses no longer confined to their geographical boundaries and workers no longer tied to their desks and stringent routines, every business across the globe is integrating the next-gen change in its work milieu by changing…

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How ERP Software is Changing Industrial PC Demands

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is a product that operates on several different business operational levels to streamline and unify processes such as project management, accounting, manufacturing, customer resource management, and others. As technology and software development grows,…

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How Companies are Automating the Warehouse with Industrial Tablets

Now that eCommerce has blossomed into the giant industry it is today, online retailers find automation is a more pressing need. Supply Chain Brief reports that Amazon hired over 120,000 workers one holiday season just to fulfill the influx of online orders—not a light expense! Automating the…

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5 Ways Tablets Can Revolutionize the Way You Do Business

Time is of the essence is in the world of business. Regardless of the size of your company, it’s important to have the skills, staff, resources and technology at your disposal that will allow you to conduct business more quickly and efficiently. Tablets are quickly becoming a must-have in small…

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