How Infotainment Systems Can Benefit Both Patients and Providers

Patients rarely want to be at a hospital, which goes double for inpatients needing long-term care. A hospital is often associated with pain, discomfort, and confinement, with patients having to stay in bed and do nothing while their body recovers from illness or surgery. For years, the only thing…

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How Generative AI Makes Drug Discovery Faster and Cheaper

Generative artificial intelligence has made waves in almost every industry imaginable, from industrial applications to banking to healthcare. Its ability to analyze data and create new insights lets it discover new options faster than a human mind can. This makes generative AI incredibly appealing…

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A Happy, Healthy Mind: The New Technologies Revolutionizing Behavioral Therapy

As stigma fades and awareness rises, behavioral healthcare has become increasingly prevalent in the conversation surrounding the healthcare sector. The World Health Organization estimates that roughly 29% of all people in the world will experience a mental health disorder at some point in their…

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Why Anti-Glare Screens Matter for Medical and Industrial Computers

We’ve all had the experience of trying to use our computer or smartphone, only to curse and crane our necks because of the glare obscuring most of the screen. Screen glare isn’t just an annoyance, however.  Dealing with harsh screen glare can lead to eye strain, headaches, and even neck and…

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Implementing New Technology in Healthcare: Challenges and Best Practices

Humanity has always relied on technology and our capacity for invention to secure better lives. We get cold in the winter, so we mastered fire. We can’t travel fast, so we tamed horses and later invented carriages, cars, and aircraft. The same applies to healthcare. We created bandages to stop…

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Understanding the Importance of Medical Computer End-of-Life Planning

It’s a simple but undeniable truth that no technology will last forever. Even something as well-manufactured as a medical-grade PC will inevitably degrade and fail. A significant part of being a responsible computer owner is knowing when to replace your old device. Just as important is knowing how…

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How Medical Computer Accessories Innovate and Enhance Patient Care

The day has come: the medical-grade computers you ordered for your hospital have finally arrived! Eager to get started, you start unpacking and installing your new computers and installing them… only to realize you don’t have any mice or keyboards.  While your choice of computer is critical to your…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Operating Systems for Healthcare Professionals

If you use computers, you’ve probably heard the term “operating system” at least a few times. You may even understand how critical an operating system, or OS, is for a computer to function in the first place. But what about the world of healthcare? As we’ve frequently explored, the healthcare…

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2024’s Top Healthcare Technology Trends

With 2023 firmly in the rear-view mirror, the healthcare sector now turns its gaze to 2024. 2023 saw its fair share of economic and political turmoil worldwide and the explosive growth of generative AI.  ChatGPT and similar programs are poised to disrupt almost every industry imaginable, and…

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The Impact of Humidity on Medical Computers: How to Protect Your Device

We’ve all experienced that muggy, unpleasant summer day where it feels like the air itself is clinging to your skin. The culprit in that situation is high humidity, where high amounts of water vapor in the air make the weather feel hotter than it actually is. Humidity isn’t just an unpleasant…

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