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A Happy, Healthy Mind: The New Technologies Revolutionizing Behavioral Therapy

As stigma fades and awareness rises, behavioral healthcare has become increasingly prevalent in the conversation surrounding the healthcare sector. The World Health Organization estimates that roughly 29% of all people in the world will experience a mental health disorder at some point in their life. These disorders can range from mental health issues like depression and anxiety to substance abuse issues like alcoholism and drug usage.

Fortunately, modern technology is also being used more frequently in behavioral healthcare. Whether adapted from physical healthcare or created specifically for mental health, these technologies make diagnosis and treatment more accessible. In today's article, we'll review some of the most exciting behavioral healthcare technologies currently being developed.

AI-Powered Diagnostics

AI remains a popular topic in healthcare, both physical and behavioral. Machine learning algorithms allow AI to be trained on extensive data sets, including patient records, brain scans, and even social media interactions.

An AI can then use this information to perform risk assessments for potential at-risk individuals and even create tailored treatment strategies for those in therapy. AI chatbots can also be used to answer the most common behavioral health questions, letting therapists focus on more intricate issues that require their attention.

Tele-psychiatry and Virtual Care

The growth of telehealth and virtual care has been a revelation for physical healthcare but has also affected behavioral healthcare. Contacting a professional healthcare provider remotely opens up treatment even for those in remote or rural areas far from a hospital or clinic. Medical tablets with secure encryption and access features are ideal for this role.

Video conferencing is particularly attractive in mental healthcare and for people who feel self-conscious or fear stigma over seeking treatment. By discretely meeting with their therapist over a secure video conferencing platform, patients get the treatment they need in a format they feel comfortable with.

Virtual Reality (VR)

As virtual reality becomes cheaper and more accessible, new therapies are being developed to take advantage of it. VR is particularly popular in exposure therapy, as it provides a safe, controlled environment to interact with the source of a patient's phobia or anxiety.

For example, a therapist could use VR to generate models of spiders for a patient experiencing arachnophobia. The spiders are not real, obviously, but they are realistic enough to be a meaningful confrontation for the patient, with none of the potentially venomous bites. Similar techniques can be used for anxiety and other phobias.

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Direct Brain Stimulation

Historically, the only way to affect the human brain has been via surgery, which is invasive and requires lengthy recovery times, or medication, which can come with a host of side effects. New technologies such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can apply magnetic pulses directly to specific parts of a patient's brain. This procedure is entirely non-invasive and roughly equivalent to an MRI in terms of radiation.

While still being refined and developed, TMS has shown positive results in treating depression, with results similar to modern antidepressant medication. Most promisingly, it does so with fewer side effects than conventional medication.


With miniature sensors in every smartwatch or wearable health device, tracking the physical symptoms of behavioral health issues has never been easier. Parameters like heart rate, breathing, body temperature, and sleep patterns can all be tracked and recorded on an EMR, which therapists can then securely access on their medical computers. This gives therapists a better understanding of their patient's physical state and can even help them identify patterns or predict future issues they may face.

Closing Thoughts

Behavioral health technology has made massive strides in recent years and will likely continue to do so. New treatment methods and diagnostic techniques will help deliver more accurate treatment with fewer side effects to more people around the world.

If you're looking for modern medical tablets or computers to support your behavioral healthcare efforts, contact the team at Cybernet Manufacturing. We'd be happy to help you find the perfect medical-grade computer for your needs.

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About Kyle Johnson

Having earned his Master's in English from Sonoma State University, Kyle works as one of Cybernet’s Content Writers, which has given him the opportunity to learn far more about the healthcare and industrial sectors than he ever expected to. When he isn’t exploring and writing about these topics, he’s usually enjoying life in Orange County or diving into a new book or tabletop game.