How Technology is Transforming Food Safety and Sanitation Practices

In the vast and complex food industry, safety mistakes are among every involved business’s worst nightmare. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 48 million Americans get sick from foodborne illnesses each year, with 128,000 being hospitalized and 3,000 perishing…

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Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Threats & Their Prevention

The healthcare sector has benefited enormously from the widespread use of the Internet and specialized medical computers. Electronic health records, telemedicine, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices are just a few of the benefits that hospitals and practices enjoy in this digital age.…

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Industry 4.0 and the Future of Reverse Logistics

With the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people have been turning to online retail to purchase goods. Of course, higher volumes of purchases bring higher volumes of returns. Given that online retail is poised to increase its dominance in the coming decades, businesses will have to develop robust…

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10 Ways to Reduce Manufacturing Overhead Costs

Manufacturers have been receiving mixed signals as of late. On the one hand, manufacturing has seen a slow rise in activity but, available talent and labor has been dwindling. On one end of the spectrum, peak season and holidays promise increased production but, on the other end, we’re already…

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4 Pieces of Food Waste Tech Transforming Food and Beverage Manufacturing

Production and manufacturing has been in the midst of a slow and meticulous metamorphosis the past few years. As innovations continue to push more supply chain visibility, automation, and efficiency, fat continues to be trimmed and factory floors continue to be further and further optimized.…

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Quality 4.0 and the New Technology in Quality Control

Though it may be hard to believe, given the manufacturing industry’s propensity for high-tech automation and fancy machinery such as IoT hardware, AR, and admittedly effective Industrial Grade PCs, the sector has a pretty notorious issue with quality control and quality management. In fact, in a…

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Blockchain for Food Safety: 4 Use Cases of Food Traceability and Control

When was the last time you sat down and really thought about where your food came from- What factories it traveled through, what processes the raw ingredients went through, how it was transported from farm to factory to store to table? Fortunately, the average consumer doesn’t need to obsessively…

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How Can New Technology Fulfill the Promise of Precision Medicine?

The future of medicine isn’t a matter of mass-market solutions, of one-size-fits-all medical treatment.  As it stands now, we must content ourselves with vaccines and surgeries and medicine that do the most good for the most amount of people: there are always going to be outliers, and cost and…

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Is Blockchain Right for Healthcare?

You may have heard that blockchain is “the next big thing.” And while “next big things” seem to rain from the sky in the tech world, there may be some truth in this particular case. Blockchain came on the scene in 2008, the brainchild of a still-anonymous person or team of people called “Satoshi…

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