How to Improve Patient Outcomes: Best Practices for Healthcare Professionals

“How are you feeling?” Ever noticed how much you’re asked that question when you visit your provider for a check-up? You’ll definitely get asked even more if you’re hospitalized for any length of time. While you’re right in thinking the question is a query of your health, it and your responses are…

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Healthcare Technology’s Impact on Modern Medicine

Technology has changed every aspect of human existence, including healthcare. From writing prescriptions with quills and ink to maintaining detailed patient databases, healthcare technology has become essential to delivering effective and efficient medical care.   Healthcare technology ensures…

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How Medical Software Improves Patient Care and Streamlines Provider Workflow

Medical software, like those found in a hospital’s medical computer or tablet, are programs that automate some process for the healthcare sector.  EHR/EMR, telehealth/telemedicine, Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), medical image analysis, and medical diagnosis are the most well-known examples of…

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5 Medical Software to Shape Healthcare’s Future

At first glance, modern healthcare looks like a chaotic mess. Think about all those hospitals and medical centers, providers, medical staff, pharmaceutical and research companies, and even patients themselves, vying to fulfill their part in treating the ill and sick. What are the stats of the…

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EHR Workflow Optimization: How Integrations Speed up the Process

Since their implementation, EHRs have been accepted into the healthcare space as a sort of necessary evil. The digital recording of patient notes is surely helpful and one of the many reasons we’re able to see the incorporation of new health initiatives like telehealth, yet, poor integration and…

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Medical Computer Use Cases During the Coronavirus Outbreak

As we continue to deal with the spread of coronavirus by staying indoors and as healthcare providers continue to treat and test on the front lines, we’ve all learned quite a bit about the effectiveness of many popular healthcare initiatives. Programs like telehealth, clinical collaboration,…

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Is the FCC Going to Help Fund Telehealth Adoption?

The latest news coming out of the healthcare cycle is that Brendan Carr, the FCC Commissioner, has announced a vote that could expand telehealth funding for millions of Americans with limited or no proper access to hospitals and doctors’ offices. This new plan, if passed, could have huge…

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Reducing Unnecessary Hospital Visits with Telehealth

It’s no secret that medical facilities are understaffed, overcrowded, and often underfunded. Patients seem to be shipped in by the truckload, and factors like staffing shortages and doctor burnout have many professionals worrying about increased wait times and decreased patient satisfaction.…

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