How Infotainment Systems Can Benefit Both Patients and Providers

Patients rarely want to be at a hospital, which goes double for inpatients needing long-term care. A hospital is often associated with pain, discomfort, and confinement, with patients having to stay in bed and do nothing while their body recovers from illness or surgery. For years, the only thing…

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5 Key Benefits of Using Digital Insurance Cards for Your Healthcare Needs

The modern world looks to be all digital. Need to pass the TSA checkpoint at the airport? Tap your smartphone containing your digital ID on their scanner to check-in. Are you eyeing that new or used SUV at the dealership and want more information? Scan the QR code taped on its window with your…

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3 Technologies That Are Advancing Hospice Care

Last year in March, the 4,600+ hospice facilities in the US effectively closed their doors to all visitors except essential personnel as the country fought to contain the COVID-19 virus. Many of the 1.5 million+ residents suddenly found themselves cut off from loved ones and even non-essential…

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Why Specialty Healthcare Will Go Remote

While the rest of the world fights to end the pandemic and return to normal, the pre-pandemic normal will never return for the healthcare industry. While several of the emergency protocols demanded by social distancing measures and surging infection rates will disappear, many of the technical…

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Applications of Telehealth for Chronic Care Management: Are They Viable?

Chronic care is the leading cause of both death and healthcare costs in the US. And it’s not even a contest. Chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer account for 7 out of 10 deaths in the US and make up more than 75% of the money spent on public and private healthcare. What…

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Medical Tablets are Essential as Patient Engagement Solutions

For the past few years, healthcare has been in the midst of a pivot towards patient empowerment. Value-based care, the abandonment of fee-for-service payment models, pushes to allow patients to access their own data, and many other recently advocated programs are all testaments to this pivot. Even…

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Healthcare Recession: How Can Providers Help Their Patients and Themselves?

When we think of a recession, we often tend to exempt healthcare facilities from the conversation. Afterall, people are constantly in need of healing and care. Because of this, many tend to think of a “healthcare recession” as nothing more than fiction and believe the industry as a whole is…

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What is Continuum of Care and How Do You Get Started?

If there’s one thing we’ve learned in times such as these where our healthcare systems are overwhelmed, it’s that consistent, carefully monitored care is essential for treating many of the ailments, both physical and mental, that affect those who seek healing. And as hospitals have continued to…

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Healthcare Chatbot Use Cases Blend Tech with Patient Empathy

Despite the sheer abundance of technology used in care facilities such as medical computers, AI, surgical robots, and more, healthcare is a very personal, social discipline. After all, doctors and nurses are often working with patients at their lowest and in the most need of a human touch. Many of…

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3 Problems Hospitals Face that Can Be Reduced with Medical Computers

There are hiccups in workflow and patient care caused by universal problems in hospitals, but thankfully they can be shrunk. Before the communication age revolutionized how we do work, mistakes were abundant and costly. Fortunately for us now, productivity is higher and manual methods of patient…

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