How the Internet of Things is Revolutionizing Dentistry

Regular readers of this blog will know all about how the Internet of Things, a network of objects that use digital sensors to collect data about their environment and share it over the internet, has completely revolutionized healthcare. Now patients can track their vitals with wearable activity…

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Securing Healthcare Information in a Digital World

While the rapid advancements in telehealth and digital healthcare that have been spurred on by the COVID-19 pandemic promise to deliver more care to more people more affordably, they have also opened up new avenues for bad actors to access sensitive information like patient data. It’s no secret…

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Medical Computers and the Hospital of the Future

With the advancements made in digital technology during the 2010s, we were already on the cusp of radical changes in medicine before COVID-19 hit. Now, things that just seemed like distant possibilities before have rapidly become inevitabilities. Telehealth was still a newfangled luxury at the…

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How the Internet of Medical Things is Changing Healthcare

Even though the healthcare industry is often reticent to adopt new technology, the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) was already starting to alter the field of medicine radically before COVID-19 hit. Well, to adapt an old aphorism, necessity is the mother of innovation. COVID-19 has obliterated…

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4 Ways Telehealth Is Improving Patient Care

Telehealth is the practice of using medical grade computers and medical tablets to provide health care remotely. Telehealth practices put doctors in closer contact with distant patients, save time and energy with instant communication, and improve point-of-care services with accurate and detailed…

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How Aging Medical Technology Can Be Upgraded Or Integrated Into A New System

Value now plays a big role in health care more than ever and impacts the healthcare system, shifting payment models to value-based purchasing and pay per performance reimbursements. While budgets do not increase, regulatory pressure does alongside expenses and patient numbers. The urge to digitize…

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Advancing Technology: 3 Reasons Why Your Next Medical PC Should Be Waterproof

Computers have become ubiquitous in the professional arena – and particularly in the healthcare industry. Medical grade PCs are relied upon to process EMR software and patient cases in an efficient manner. Given the demands of the hospital environment, it’s becomes imperative for administrators to…

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