Why Anti-Glare Screens Matter for Medical and Industrial Computers

We’ve all had the experience of trying to use our computer or smartphone, only to curse and crane our necks because of the glare obscuring most of the screen. Screen glare isn’t just an annoyance, however.  Dealing with harsh screen glare can lead to eye strain, headaches, and even neck and…

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Medical-Grade Monitors in Healthcare: A Closer Look

Medical-grade computers are amazing tools. With them, providers and healthcare personnel can access data ranging from patients’ EMRs to the latest blood test results. Viewing and accessing this data is accomplished via a medical-grade monitor or display.  Today’s post covers this…

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How Better Scanners and 4k Monitors are Transforming Digital Pathology

Though the concept of digital pathology has been around almost 60 years, it’s only recently that we’ve developed the networks, image resolution, data storage, sharing techniques, and machine learning to truly transform the practice into one of the most important branches of healthcare technology.…

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Medical-Grade vs Regular Monitors: Differences Explained

Computer monitors have become an integral part of our lives, not only at home and work, but in every facet of society today. You see them at the grocery store checkout line when the clerks scan your food, at the gas station pumps when you fill your tank, and even at parking kiosks to scan your…

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