Making the Right Choice: Selecting a Reliable Medical Equipment Manufacturer

Bringing a medical device to market is a years-long process that costs tens of millions of dollars. To reduce time and expense, many medical device manufacturers outsource their essential parts and equipment, such as medical computers, to medical contract manufacturers, namely Original Equipment…

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Ensuring Your Medical Device is Government-Ready in 2024: The Ultimate Guide

Bringing a new medical device to market is always a daunting proposition. Every aspect of the device must be considered, from its target audience to the need for medical-grade certification. On average, it costs $54 million to develop a new medical device and 3 to 7 years for the U.S. Food and Drug…

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Certified Computers: The Superior Choice for Medical Devices

Medical devices face some of the most stringent regulations of any product on the market. They have to. When a patient’s life is on the line, nothing short of the best equipment is acceptable. Even minor equipment like a provider’s stethoscope has to meet strict certification standards for safety.…

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AI-Powered Medical Devices are Made Possible by Cybernet Manufacturing

The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare has been one of the most revolutionary changes for the sector in decades. Already, AI is used in everything from training healthcare workers to managing EHRs on a medical tablet to assisting surgeons in the operating theater. AI’s…

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4 Medical Devices that Absolutely Need Integrated Medical Computers

The days of enormous computers and huge medical devices are nearly over — as technology advances, it shrinks, and in no field is that more useful than in healthcare. Smaller tech means more mobile and agile medical services, which in turn means more options for patients and providers alike.…

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For Medical Device Manufacturers, Compliance Can Hinge on your Technology Partner

There are constant revisions to compliance in the medical field; Wikipedia cites that the FDA recently released several regulations to medical devices and how they handle sensitive patient data. Cleanliness, compatibility, safety, and cyber-security standards are ever-changing. It can be maddening…

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