The Right Fit: Display Size Factors for Medical and Industrial Computers

From the hospital to the factory floor, almost every industry imaginable has been improved by implementing digital technology. One of the most important (but often overlooked) considerations when implementing new computer tools or upgrading pre-existing structures is the physical dimensions of the…

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All In One PCs: How to Choose the Perfect One

Your company is looking to switch from desktop computers to an All in One (AIO) PC like enterprise PCs. Upper management still wants justification before they make their final decision, though. So we compare the two in today’s article, as well as covering laptops, which is a common alternative. You…

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The Benefits and Dangers of Digital Collaboration in Healthcare

One of the greatest barriers for healthcare success, from patient relationships to lab testing to second opinions, is simple geography. When you’re a patient, you’re limited to the doctors and facilities near you. For doctors, the distance of a lab, specialist, or pathologist limits both the speed…

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