Guide to Best Technology for Lean Manufacturing Strategies

Optimization is the process of making something entirely suitable for its specific purpose. Designing cars and planes to be aerodynamic to reduce drag is an example. Building industrial tablets from the ground up to be IP65-rated dust and water-resistant is another.  Optimization in business…

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Embracing Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Remember when you had to call your provider’s office to schedule an appointment to get a flu shot? Now, you can schedule one on the website of your local pharmacy. Want the best plastic surgeon, but she’s based halfway around the world? It’s not a problem as she remotely operates the robot…

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How Rugged Industrial Tablets Streamline Logistics

Though it often gets overlooked in our day-to-day lives, logistics – or the systems that move goods and materials from place to place – is essentially the economy’s operating system. After all, the logistics industry is responsible for ensuring the goods we consume every day are in the…

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How Industry 4.0 Can Make HVAC Factory Friendly

Many people see being an HVAC (short for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) technician the same way they see being a plumber – a blue-collar trade for people looking for a career path that doesn’t require a college degree. In reality, just like plumbing, HVAC is a complex and…

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Industry 4.0 & the Next Generation of Manufacturing Workers

Millennials, am I right? These kids with their safe spaces and avocado toast, when will they learn that the world… Just kidding! Had you going there for a second. In actuality, the oldest millennials are turning 40, and the rest are in their thirties or late 20s by now. Many of the youngest…

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Industrial Computers and the Future of Sustainability

While the upheaval caused by COVID-19 has understandably dominated global attention for the past year and a half, it has distracted from another long-simmering crisis: climate change. The pandemic will subside, but our impact on the environment will remain. It’s easy to pay lip service to…

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How Digitization Can Help Small Manufacturers

If you’ve read any manufacturing blogs or publications lately, you will have seen a lot of the same buzzwords pop up again and again. Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things, Additive Manufacturing, Smart Factory, etc. It’s a lot to take in and all very confusing for small manufacturers who…

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How Industry 4.0 can Maximize the Potential of ERP

It has long been true that effective communication is integral for a business to run smoothly and efficiently. The different departments of a company, from purchasing, to logistics, to accounting, etc., all need to work in concert to maximize productivity. And while ERP software has facilitated…

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Industry 4.0 and the Future of Reverse Logistics

With the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people have been turning to online retail to purchase goods. Of course, higher volumes of purchases bring higher volumes of returns. Given that online retail is poised to increase its dominance in the coming decades, businesses will have to develop robust…

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The Benefits of Mixed Reality in Manufacturing Explained

An employee on the factory line approaches a machine they’ve never in their life operated. Staring at the mass of unfamiliar iron and circuitry, they stand dumbfounded for a moment before a set of instructions materializes in front of them dictating where the controls are located. Happy to have…

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