Protecting Digital Assets: The Role of TPM Chips in Cybersecurity

In 2023, cyberattacks inflicted an estimated $11.5 trillion in damage, including monetary losses, service disruptions, and more. As we increasingly rely on computers in every sector of life imaginable, this number is bound to increase, reaching a predicted $23.84 trillion in 2027.  Understandably,…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Aircraft Assembly Line Equipment

Did you know the final assembly of an aircraft is primarily done by hand?  The Final Assembly Line (FAL) is the stage in aerospace manufacturing where the wings, tail, and other major plane parts are attached to the fuselage. Passenger seating, storage compartments, and electronics like industrial…

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The Top Considerations for Choosing Industrial Computers for 24/7 Operation

Most computers operate on a work schedule similar to humans. They have periods of activity interspersed with downtime, like how most workers alternate between work shifts and rest. However, some computers don’t have that luxury. Some computers must operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For…

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CIP System: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Its Components

There was a time employees at a manufacturing plant would disassemble the machinery there and painstakingly clean up each piece of machinery.  That era is over, with today’s cleaning duties largely automated and controlled by industrial computers. Equally as important is the fact the cleaning…

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Warehouse Operations: The Key to Business Growth

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to grow. It’s important to evaluate every aspect of your business periodically to ensure things are running as smoothly as possible, from the offices right down to the warehouse. Warehouse optimization is vitally important — it’s the crux of every…

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Understanding Supply Chain Resilience: 3 Questions to Ask

Supply chains have experienced a shocking amount of change in the past few months. With several of them incorporating new infrastructures and hardware like industrial grade computers to address concerns ranging from manufacturing employee safety to supply chain preparedness and everything…

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Policies That Could Change the Manufacturing Industry Overnight

There’s no denying that automation is the future of manufacturing: it would be impossible, considering its pretty much the present of manufacturing as well. And while news that “all robots will replace our jobs” in the next few years is generally overblown, it’s assured that there are profound…

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Is Industrial Cybersecurity Even Possible?

Industrial control systems have made life easier for automation and manufacturing, and are a vital component in both the present and future of the industry. Unfortunately, with every new technology or process comes complications, unique problems that were unforeseen or impossible-to-imagine in the…

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