How to Find the Perfect Computer for Medical Coding and Billing

Medical coders and billers are unsung heroes in healthcare. They ensure providers’ diagnostic and procedural notes are translated into the correct codes for tracking patient health and receiving payments from insurance companies.  Today’s article briefly touches upon the occupations,…

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Why Personal Health Records are as Important as EHR and EMR

When most people hear of medical software, they imagine programs like electronic health records or telehealth. But it’s not just providers and healthcare IT who use them for the health industry. Patients are turning to software as part of their greater involvement in their health needs. We cover…

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5 Medical Software to Shape Healthcare’s Future

At first glance, modern healthcare looks like a chaotic mess. Think about all those hospitals and medical centers, providers, medical staff, pharmaceutical and research companies, and even patients themselves, vying to fulfill their part in treating the ill and sick. What are the stats of the…

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4 Things to Consider When Selecting a Computer for EHR

Electronic health records (EHR), also known as electronic medical records (EMR), have had a major impact on the healthcare system. You and your healthcare IT department (HIT) know how it allows your providers to create, update, and share patients’ health records quickly. This helps immensely…

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EHR Workflow Optimization: How Integrations Speed up the Process

Since their implementation, EHRs have been accepted into the healthcare space as a sort of necessary evil. The digital recording of patient notes is surely helpful and one of the many reasons we’re able to see the incorporation of new health initiatives like telehealth, yet, poor integration and…

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3 Ways to Make Doctors Hate EHR a Little Less

We all know the truth: doctors and nurses would rather spend their time, you know, being doctors and nurses instead of crouched in front of dimly-glowing monitors, punching patient information into electronic health record systems. However, the fact remains that EHR can be extremely helpful for…

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