EHR and its Evolution into CHR: A Critical Look at Cutting-Edge Technology in Healthcare

Epic CEO, Judy Faulker, recently expressed her view how Electronic Health Records are evolving into Comprehensive Health Records—a term that evaluates more than just a specific window of sampling an individual's health from doctor visits. CHR is a term that may be invented as the new EHR,…

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3 Ways Hospital Networks Can Impact Patient Care and How to Combat Them

No hospital network is perfect. An entire infrastructure for patient information is at the whim of Murphy’s Law unfortunately, and one glitch in an entire system can throw off the operations of a hospital in the blink of an eye, costing a chunk of productivity time, money, and the…

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How EMR Software Upgrades Can Drive Computer Hardware Updates

The demand for computer capability has increased because of encroaching software complexity; we can no longer use clunky, old hardware to help our doctors and nurses complete an entire hospital shift. It's not just a matter of how slow a process might run on a medical computer, but rather if a…

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Here’s How Telehealth is Revolutionizing the Way We Practice Healthcare

Telehealth is a topic under heavy study because it's extremely effective at reducing time and streamlining processes for medical care. It's a complex umbrella term that addresses physician to patient interaction, how medical records are viewed and delivered, physician care and outreach, patient…

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3 Ways Healthcare Usage Dramatically Impacts Hardware Longevity

It's important for medical computers to operate 24/7 since healthcare is just as demanding. Internal components do not last forever, unfortunately, and demanding uptime for computers can seriously affect the longevity of hardware. According to an analysis by the Institute of Electrical and…

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Extending the Life of Medical Equipment with Medical Grade PCs

The IT challenges and needs for a healthcare facility are far different than those of a traditional enterprise. Mobility, EMR compatibility, as well as 24/7 operability must all be factored in. But even within the healthcare space, needs can vary tremendously. Consider the differences between a…

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How Inefficient Communication Hampers Healthcare Quality… and What To Do About It

In the health care setting, success requires coordination and efficient communication across multiple disciplines and specialties. Issues can occur at any stage of communication  - in the management of urgent issues, or in situations when multiple members of the care team contribute to treating a…

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Integrating Computers That Serve Dual Purposes Into The Medical Space

Health IT is improving patient health, data collection and safety, care quality and efficiency, but most importantly it is helping providers restrain rising costs. Through the implementation of technology that serves dual, or often times multiple, purposes, healthcare providers are introducing new…

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How Hackers Can Infiltrate Networked Medical Devices

Until fairly recently the medical community was not aware of the fact that there are hackers out there who have the ability to infiltrate a hospital’s medical devices and exploit the data contained in them for profit or for other purposes. Even though these devices tend to be protected using a…

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How to Develop a Workflow for New Medical Technology

When your healthcare setting is used to working in its old ways, it can be a daunting experience trying to plan out a new addition to the workflow. New technological advances and improvements have brought out new medical equipment that can help save you space, time and money; and, most importantly,…

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