HIPAA-Compliant Technology: The Ultimate Guide

Few regulations are as critical in the world of healthcare as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Passed in 1996 and enforced by the Office of Civil Rights, HIPAA compliance remains critical for healthcare providers and insurance companies alike.  In today’s article, we…

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Who Enforces HIPAA: What You Need to Know to Be in Compliance

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, massively impacted the U.S. healthcare sector since it went into law back in 1996. Anything and everything involving patient information, from electronic medical records to the medical computers housing them, fall under its…

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How the Latest HIPAA Updates Affect Healthcare Providers and Patients

Medical computers of healthcare groups are filling up with news and discussions of possible new HIPAA rulings going into effect this year. We checked and verified it’s not only true, but the details on what those rules are have been released as well. We cover them today, as well as provide…

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HIPAA Guidelines & What is HIPAA Compliance [Compliance Checklist]

You know what is an easy way to save 1.5 Million dollars? Follow HIPAA’s regulations. This is the amount that companies on average are paying for each HIPAA violation. That is not including possible job loss or jail time.  So how does one avoid such eye-popping fines and penalties? What…

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How Technology Prevents HIPAA Violations

HIPAA violations are growing in number and cost, and have affected medical facilities of all sizes. While training and vigilance on the part of administrators and staff is a vital component to HIPAA compliance, the right technology can turn an open book into a bank vault. From secure medical grade…

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How to Prevent HIPAA Violations with a Secure Medical Computer System

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was implemented in 1996, and set strict standards for properly securing medical records. The internet was only beginning to become a force in the world when HIPAA went into effect, and its creators could not have imagined the kinds of…

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Understanding the Move to Mobile and HIPAA

Five years after the Internet went live to an unsuspecting public - one that had no idea how much it would need cat videos, online shopping and binge-watching -  the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was born in 1996. Fast forward more than 20 years and we’ve seen the…

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Medical Tablets: Complying with HIPAA

Healthcare providers increasingly use clinical applications such as EHR, clinical decision support systems, order entry systems, radiology, laboratory and other systems. Health IT makes the medical workforce more agile, mobile and productive. Mobile devices let physicians check patient records on…

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Old and Outdated: Why Fax Machines Are Holding Back Healthcare in 2024

The first fax machine was developed by Xerox in 1964. For sixty years, these machines have been a fixture in offices around the world as the best way to share documents over long distances. This capability has also made fax machines nearly ubiquitous in healthcare, where they have been the primary…

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