How the Right Computer Can Help Disaster Recovery

When people think of disaster recovery, they usually think of things like cleaning up rubble and rebuilding cities after massive natural disasters like fires, earthquakes, and hurricanes. But beyond the damage to physical infrastructure, businesses can sustain another kind of damage that can be…

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How Medical Computers Improve Public Health Informatics

A year and a half ago, most people could be forgiven for not understanding the importance of data analysis in public health. But now, two summers into a global pandemic that we are just beginning to get a handle on, the role of data in public health has never been more at the forefront of public…

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Digital Literacy Skills Needed in Healthcare

When people decide to start a career in healthcare, they usually start looking into how they can acquire the necessary medical knowledge and certifications necessary to do their job. What they probably don’t think is, “Well, time to brush up on my computer skills.” This is unfortunate because by…

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Medical Computers in Biomedical Engineering

When you hear the phrases “healthcare computers” or “medical tablets,” what images does your mind conjure up? If you’re like most people, you probably think of devices that hospitals use for things like charting, filling out eForms, and issuing electronic prescriptions. While the importance of…

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The Difference Between an Industrial PC and a PLC

The manufacturing process is always being reevaluated to discover ways to increase productivity and reduce costs. It was eventually the introduction of industrial automation that changed the way such efficiency is achieved. This came about through the use of control systems that could handle…

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