healthcare network segmentation strategy

How to Build an Effective Healthcare Network Segmentation Strategy

We’ve discussed several times on this blog before the efficacy of hardware such…

The Role of Industrial Computers in Industrial Automation

Industrial automation, as the name suggests, refers to using industrial…

blockchain for food safety

Blockchain for Food Safety: 4 Use Cases of Food Traceability and Control

When was the last time you sat down and really thought about where your food…

healthcare recession

Healthcare Recession: How Can Providers Help Their Patients and Themselves?

When we think of a recession, we often tend to exempt healthcare facilities…

healthcare innovation technology

Have Hospitals Begun Accepting Healthcare Innovation Technology?

Despite the constant release of ever-improving pieces of healthcare innovation…

investing in medical devices

What will the Medical Device Industry Look Like Post-COVID?

Recent global events have shown healthcare providers what being underprepared…

medical device connectivity

What Would Medical Device Connectivity Mean for Healthcare

We, and the medical sector at large, have discussed lacking EHR…

robotic process automation in manufacturing

Robotic Process Automation in Manufacturing

Optimization is a rather hot buzzword that’s thrown around with abandon in…

remote cybersecurity

3 Ways to Improve Remote Cybersecurity While Everyone Works From Home

2020 has proven to be a year of compromise. The COVID-19 outbreak has caused…

rapid response system hardware

Why Medical Computers are Essential to a Rapid Response System

More often than not, when a patient in very poor condition starts to exhibit…