How Construction Companies are Using Rugged Tablets to Increase Worker Safety

If you work in the construction industry you know how hazardous it can be. There are many things that can happen on a construction job site or during the course of labor that can put a worker in jeopardy. These days, technology can go a long way to help decrease some of these workplace hazards.…

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Industrial Computer Selection Criteria for the Oil and Gas Industry

Technological advancements have led us to areas we have never had access to before, such as horizontal drilling in the Bakken region. Conventional drilling techniques have only been able to extract a fraction of the available crude. Producers flock to newly available areas that provide the oil and…

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One Enterprise Grade Tablet: 7 Business Processes Streamlined

The success of a business relies heavily on the ease with which its processes can function on a daily basis. Businesses have evolved into a multi-layered system of tasks that are both hierarchical and interdependent. Components such as manufacturing, processing, presentation, sales and maintenance…

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The Critical Reasons Why 3G/4G Wireless Functionality Is Important for Industrial Computers

As industrial computers get more and more sophisticated in their designs and capabilities, the focus has shifted to making them more versatile and efficient. An industrial PC today, in any of its forms – fanless, panel, etc – is built to be able to cater to the requirements of any industry,…

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Patient Infotainment – The Benefits of Utilizing Bedside Computers

We as a thinking species have evolved in more complex ways than one. In terms of our understanding and accepted definitions of technology, for instance. In the new globalized lives we lead today, ‘medicine’ has evolved into ‘healthcare’ and the ‘doctors’, ‘nurses’ and ‘technicians’ are now…

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Mobile Medical Applications of the Industrial Computer: The Case of the Medical Emergency Vehicle

The demands of modern mobile healthcare are much more challenging than those of most other industries. This is where lives are at stake, and emergency situations arise at little to no notice. In recent years, sophisticated computing has worked hand-in-hand with infrastructural advancements to…

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Touchscreen Computers: Where Are They Headed?

Touchscreens are to present day computing what Google has been to the internet as we know it today. On the face of it, a touchscreen may be seen as a cosmetic overlay on a fully functional system, but fact is – no tablet or smartphone is accepted as modern without a touchscreen as its user…

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Rugged Mini PCs: Revolutionizing Healthcare Industry

The latest solution to the requirements of modern mobile healthcare is a device known as the rugged mini PC. Rugged mini PCs, by definition, are compact and portable computers essentially designed to withstand extreme conditions that a regular, consumer grade desktop or tablet cannot. Also known…

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Why OEM Medical Device Manufacturers Are Utilizing Rugged Tablets to Improve Medical Grade Technology

Healthcare is a demanding field and relies heavily upon utilizing the best, most up-to-date equipment to help doctors and nurses provide the highest quality medical services.   As advances in how procedures are performed continue to push boundaries not thought possible even a decade ago, one thing…

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