Types of Industrial PCs Used in Industrial Automation

The industrial sector is increasingly experiencing the impact of the Industry 4.0 concept. Whether you are looking to optimize the workflow, increase production or savings in maintenance, or explore new automation opportunities, there are many ways industrial automation and the underlying…

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Benefits of Cart-Mount PCs with Hot-Swap Batteries in Healthcare

The medical technology evolves in giant leaps. At the same time, tight budgets, increasingly stringent regulations and high patient expectations force hospitals to screen their acquisitions ever-more carefully. With so many options, customizations, and a wide range or prices, how does a healthcare…

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Ransomware Prevention & Mitigation in Healthcare

Ransomware is one of the most aggressive, damaging, adaptable and agile cyber attacks. It evolves fast; it is also easy to create; it scales well; it is easy money for the hackers. A 2016 survey by SentinelOne says 50% of organizations suffered a ransomware attack last year, and 85% of them on…

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The Role Of Rugged Technology In Protecting Information When Disaster Strikes

Natural and manmade disasters and other catastrophic events pose a serious threat to the human lives and livelihood of organizations around the world. The challenge for organizations and emergency responders today is to make themselves more resilient in the face of the unknown, and become more…

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Industrial Automation & The Future of Employment

The discussion about industrial automation replacing the human workforce has a long history and goes back to the Industrial Revolution, but it is the advent of the PC in the 80s that has changed the way we work forever. The discussion has generated a number of myths. What often remains behind the…

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Benefits of Power-over-Ethernet Computers in Healthcare Settings

A typical healthcare environment is a complex system of devices, networks and people working in-sync, but modern hospitals are increasingly pressed to find cost-saving solutions. Energy efficiency is one of the focal points in health care budgeting.  Reducing energy consumption is a priority, but…

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10 Ways Hospitals Can Boost Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency presents both a challenge and an opportunity for healthcare facilities. The main challenge is the unique circumstances healthcare facilities face. Regulatory requirements, infection control, the intensity of energy and water use, 24/7 uninterrupted operation set healthcare…

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How Aging Medical Technology Can Be Upgraded Or Integrated Into A New System

Value now plays a big role in health care more than ever and impacts the healthcare system, shifting payment models to value-based purchasing and pay per performance reimbursements. While budgets do not increase, regulatory pressure does alongside expenses and patient numbers. The urge to digitize…

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Benefits Of Industrial Tablets In Manufacturing

Industrial tablets are becoming increasingly popular in the manufacturing sector. Taking a more pragmatic approach than consumer-focused enterprises, manufacturing environments choose to deploy military grade tablets due to their reliability, durability and total cost of ownership. The rugged…

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