Digital Twins: The Exciting New Innovation in Industrial Applications

Our world is an increasingly digital one, as computers take the place of human workers and analog controls. For the most part, this is a good thing; digital controls are more precise than older mechanical methods, and it’s always better to risk a device than a human in a hazardous industrial…

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How Barcode Scanning and Other Tools Can Create an Effective Food Recall Solution

It’s no shocker that food recalls are an expensive, efficiency draining occurrence for food and beverage manufacturers. With needing to trace back bad food batches to its source, the damaged brand reputation caused by poor quality control, and the legal ramifications should consumers face allergic…

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How Can the Order to Cash Process be Improved with Industrial Computers?

Regardless of whether we’re discussing a B2B-based manufacturer or one that sells directly to consumers, the order to cash process is an essential one and one whose optimization should be prioritized. Thankfully, as complicated as the process is, because it’s so complicated and involves so many…

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Blockchain for Food Safety: 4 Use Cases of Food Traceability and Control

When was the last time you sat down and really thought about where your food came from- What factories it traveled through, what processes the raw ingredients went through, how it was transported from farm to factory to store to table? Fortunately, the average consumer doesn’t need to obsessively…

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What is Machine Vision and How is it Evolving Manufacturing?

Being as impressive and versatile as they are, machines will continue involving themselves in the industrial space in higher and higher volume. Already we see vast saturation in this regard when you look at the use of industrial computer hubs for smart manufacturing, heavy machinery used to lift…

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