Investing in Quality: Why OR Equipment Matters in Healthcare

Worldwide, over 300 million surgeries are performed each year, with US surgeons performing around 64 million procedures alone. To maximize each surgery’s success, hospitals equip their surgical teams and operating theaters with the best possible tools and equipment. Today’s article will…

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AI Healthcare and Surgery: A Match Made in Heaven?

The healthcare sector is always striving to minimize risks for staff and patients. Healthcare computers are used throughout most clinics and hospitals since they’ve been built from ground up not to interfere with the numerous medical devices. Staff receive special training to handle urgent…

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Everything You Need to Know Before Buying an Anesthesia Cart

It’s not surprising the healthcare industry requires a lot of specialized equipment. Many of the tasks performed like surgery are unique. That’s why medical computers, for example, are used instead of off-the-shelf brands. Features like medical grade and fanless ensure they’re able to handle the…

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