What will the Medical Device Industry Look Like Post-COVID?

Recent global events have shown healthcare providers what being underprepared truly looks like. Not having enough staff, not having enough personal protective equipment, and especially not having the right alternative methods of administering care at the ready have rocked acute and emergency care…

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Medical Computer Use Cases During the Coronavirus Outbreak

As we continue to deal with the spread of coronavirus by staying indoors and as healthcare providers continue to treat and test on the front lines, we’ve all learned quite a bit about the effectiveness of many popular healthcare initiatives. Programs like telehealth, clinical collaboration,…

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What Tech is Needed for Effective Clinical Collaboration Systems?

Doctors, nurses, and health professionals are like monoliths of information and experience when it comes to how the human body functions and heals. As impressive as these meticulously trained healers can be and despite technological advances in EHRs and medical computers, they’re still only human.…

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Is 5G Safe for Hospitals?

The battle for 5G has already begun, which could put a huge dent in healthcare innovation. All of the newest proposed healthcare revolutions require a bump in internet speed and bandwidth. Telehealth streaming, mobile clinics, remote surgery, augmented reality, and Internet-of-Things devices all…

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6 Reasons Not to Worry About Robots in the Operating Room

There’s no shortage of fear about automation, but most of it has to do with job loss. However, there is a unique anxiety that may have patients fearing their upcoming surgery appointment more than usual: the idea that a robot may be the one holding the scalpel. Robotic surgery is making…

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Battling the Unique Challenges Faced by Rural Hospitals

Sadly, not all hospitals are equal, and not all regions come with the same problems and solutions. Rural patients and rural hospitals have always had challenges, but the data says that lately, they’ve been suffering more than ever before. How can we help rural areas improve the quality,…

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How to Prevent HIPAA Violations with a Secure Medical Computer System

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was implemented in 1996, and set strict standards for properly securing medical records. The internet was only beginning to become a force in the world when HIPAA went into effect, and its creators could not have imagined the kinds of…

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4 Use Cases for Medical Tablets in Healthcare

Medical tablets have revolutionized healthcare by shedding paper-based operations and by bringing quality care to underserved areas. These tablets have sophisticated systems that turn information recording to easy tasks saving time, energy, and money by improving efficiency rates. Mobility is the…

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