What will the Medical Device Industry Look Like Post-COVID?

Recent global events have shown healthcare providers what being underprepared truly looks like. Not having enough staff, not having enough personal protective equipment, and especially not having the right alternative methods of administering care at the ready have rocked acute and emergency care…

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What Would Medical Device Connectivity Mean for Healthcare

We, and the medical sector at large, have discussed lacking EHR interoperability ad nauseum. The basic idea being that, despite advances in medical technology and the medical device computers that fuel them, EHR compatibility issues still run amok. This is because EHR developers predominantly…

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Why Medical Computers are Essential to a Rapid Response System

More often than not, when a patient in very poor condition starts to exhibit declining health and worsening symptoms, they go down a rapid, painful spiral that, if not stopped early on, can quickly result in death. It’s an unfortunate phenomenon, but one care providers need to be very familiar with…

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10 Ways Healthcare is Using Hospital Computer Systems

Just a few years ago, hospitals and similar medical facilities lagged behind other industries when it came to effective use of computers. But government regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and Medicare/Medicaid information systems established an enhanced…

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Healthcare Chatbot Use Cases Blend Tech with Patient Empathy

Despite the sheer abundance of technology used in care facilities such as medical computers, AI, surgical robots, and more, healthcare is a very personal, social discipline. After all, doctors and nurses are often working with patients at their lowest and in the most need of a human touch. Many of…

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Would Your Hospital Be Ready for Medicare For All?

Universal healthcare has always been a buzz-inducing topic, one that’s only increased in discussion as we begin to see plenty of candidates in 2020 promise some version of “Medicare For All.” And whether you believe it’s possible or that we’re simply not capable of providing it just yet, part of a…

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6 Devices Taking the Pain Out of IV Placement

While it is no doubt one of the most common procedures in the hospital, the insertion and placement of intravenous catheters can still be a tricky process, even for veteran nurses. Luckily, whether for hydration or medication, there are a whole host of new technologies, medical computers, and…

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Is Augmented Reality in Healthcare Really the Future?

Technology is constantly coming and going within healthcare. Some of it, like medical grade computers and patient wearables, stay in the mainstream and enhance patient care, while others, like EHRs and artificial intelligence, need a little more time in the oven.  And while this may sometimes feel…

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Understanding Healthcare AI’s Crucial Flaw and its Upcoming Solution

Artificial intelligence has been mystified to the point of near satire with films such as iRobot, Her, and more. And while we can never be too sure of what the future holds, knowing the current advancements and limitations of AI, specifically in the case of healthcare and medical grade computers,…

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Personalization Could be the Key to Ending EHR Physician Burnout

In healthcare, the right technology implemented the right way can perform miracles towards optimizing patient care. One need just look at remote monitoring tools, medical grade computers, and health tracking wearables for perfect examples of seamless tech integration.  The right technology…

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