3 Ways Hospital Networks Can Impact Patient Care and How to Combat Them

No hospital network is perfect. An entire infrastructure for patient information is at the whim of Murphy’s Law unfortunately, and one glitch in an entire system can throw off the operations of a hospital in the blink of an eye, costing a chunk of productivity time, money, and the…

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How EMR Software Upgrades Can Drive Computer Hardware Updates

The demand for computer capability has increased because of encroaching software complexity; we can no longer use clunky, old hardware to help our doctors and nurses complete an entire hospital shift. It's not just a matter of how slow a process might run on a medical computer, but rather if a…

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3 Reasons to Move On From Consumer Tablets to Medical Grade Tablets

The demand for technology in the medical field is a constant. Staff needs to operate on computers around the clock, and that requires a constant “live” time. With this expectation, hardware failure is a natural expectation especially if it’s a few years old. It might be difficult…

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Here’s How Telehealth is Revolutionizing the Way We Practice Healthcare

Telehealth is a topic under heavy study because it's extremely effective at reducing time and streamlining processes for medical care. It's a complex umbrella term that addresses physician to patient interaction, how medical records are viewed and delivered, physician care and outreach, patient…

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3 Ways Patient Infotainment is Improving Patient Health

Credence Research, a worldwide market research and counseling firm, reports that increasing demands across the US, UK, and other nations for patient infotainment systems have prompted large investments from hospitals, making patient infotainment one of the largest markets in the world. The last…

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How to Avoid Data Corruption in Hospitals: Prevention Starts with Awareness

Technology in any industry is always subject to Murphy's Law; if a problem can arise, it will. That's the lay of the land in tech, and there's no avoiding it. However, awareness of data corruption in hospitals and being prepared with the right hardware helps any facility combat whatever…

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Can Your Medical Computers Run Military Genesis EHR?

MHS Genesis EHR is now a reality. After four years of planning, months of tests and delays, and a $4.3-billion contract, Department of Defense’s first electronic health records implementation is live at Fairchild Air Force Base in Washington. Military Healthcare System (MHS) Genesis is based on…

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Why Patients Want Telehealth – And How Providers Can Benefit From It

A recent study reveals how patients feel about telehealth. More than 50 million U.S. consumers are willing to switch to a provider that offers telehealth services. Notably, patients want telehealth for a broad scope of issues ranging from minor tasks like getting prescription refills to managing…

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Data At Risk – BYOD vs Medical Tablets in Healthcare

You would be hard-pressed to find a healthcare worker who does not use a smartphone or tablet for work. Be it for taking notes during a phone conversation, searching for references, using medical apps, tapping out a quick email on the go, video conferencing with a patient, or signing medical image…

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Houston Fire Dept.’s Mobile Innovations and Telehealth In Emergency Care

From Feb. 19 to 23, 2017, Orlando’s County Convention Center (OCCC) hosted this year’s largest health IT conference and exhibition, HIMSS17. Cybernet traditionally attended, and we have a lot of news and impressions to share. With 7 million square feet, OCCC is one of the country’s largest…

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