Medical Tablets are Essential as Patient Engagement Solutions

For the past few years, healthcare has been in the midst of a pivot towards patient empowerment. Value-based care, the abandonment of fee-for-service payment models, pushes to allow patients to access their own data, and many other recently advocated programs are all testaments to this pivot. Even…

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The Practical and Financial Benefits of Hot Swappable Battery Medical Computers

Healthcare, despite its necessity and despite the love many practitioners have for the practice, is rife with its own issues and pain points. Across the board, several nurses, doctors, IT team members, and more all report issues of burnout and frustration, not with the nature of their work, but in…

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Rebuilding Surgery After Mass Elective Surgery Cancellations

Health as an industry has been rocked by 2020, but the ways in which different professions within that industry have been impacted are varied. Surgery, for example, has experienced significant stress in the form of mass elective surgery cancellations due to mandated shutdowns and stunted recovery…

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Are Healthcare Wearables the Next Evolution of Remote Care?

In a perfect world, healthcare would be a much more convenient, much more effective process not only for the care provider, but for the patient themselves. Innovations such as medical grade all in one computers have surely made physicians’ jobs a little more convenient. However, while the benefits…

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RTLS in Healthcare: Promising Use Cases and How to Get Started

No matter the industry, proper asset management is paramount in running a tight ship. Healthcare, of course, is by no means an exception. Patients need care which requires staff that has access to tools, rooms, and workstation hubs like computers on wheels in order to administer that care.…

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How can Rural Telehealth Keep up With the Telehealth Boom?

The word “pivot” or “shift” doesn’t quite get across just how quickly healthcare was able to implement telehealth solutions after observing the shocking effects of COVID-19 on how care was administered. Several facilities truly stepped up to the plate and quickly adopted new strategies or adapted…

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What is Clinical Documentation Improvement and How is it Achieved?

We’ve discussed burnout several times on this blog and for good reason. It’s a pervasive issue that strikes both nurses and physicians. As such, issues that contribute to this burnout, especially during this incredibly trying moment in medical history, deserve to be brought into the spotlight and…

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EHR Workflow Optimization: How Integrations Speed up the Process

Since their implementation, EHRs have been accepted into the healthcare space as a sort of necessary evil. The digital recording of patient notes is surely helpful and one of the many reasons we’re able to see the incorporation of new health initiatives like telehealth, yet, poor integration and…

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Healthcare Recession: How Can Providers Help Their Patients and Themselves?

When we think of a recession, we often tend to exempt healthcare facilities from the conversation. Afterall, people are constantly in need of healing and care. Because of this, many tend to think of a “healthcare recession” as nothing more than fiction and believe the industry as a whole is…

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Have Hospitals Begun Accepting Healthcare Innovation Technology?

Despite the constant release of ever-improving pieces of healthcare innovation technology, providers and facilities can be rather averse to adopting these new hardware and software. While there have been more popularly accepted pieces of tech, such as medical all in one PCs and EHRs due to their…

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