How Medical Grade Computers Are Used in Emergency Rooms

In the past we discussed the uses for computers in a medical healthcare facility or hospital. While we provided some solid guidelines, we didn’t address the various departments, their specialties, and unique requirements. Here we’ll be covering one of them ﹘ the emergency department or emergency…

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Best Medical Tablets for Healthcare

We are well into the digital revolution in Healthcare. Gone are the days of clipboards and storage rooms filled with folders of handwritten patient records. Medical Tablets are now the standard way medical data is captured and received at the point of care. These tablets eliminate the need to…

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How Medical Computers Improve Public Health Informatics

A year and a half ago, most people could be forgiven for not understanding the importance of data analysis in public health. But now, two summers into a global pandemic that we are just beginning to get a handle on, the role of data in public health has never been more at the forefront of public…

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Medical Computers in Biomedical Engineering

When you hear the phrases “healthcare computers” or “medical tablets,” what images does your mind conjure up? If you’re like most people, you probably think of devices that hospitals use for things like charting, filling out eForms, and issuing electronic prescriptions. While the importance of…

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How the Internet of Things is Revolutionizing Dentistry

Regular readers of this blog will know all about how the Internet of Things, a network of objects that use digital sensors to collect data about their environment and share it over the internet, has completely revolutionized healthcare. Now patients can track their vitals with wearable activity…

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How Medical Computers Help Eliminate ER Waste

There’s no denying that waste abounds in the American healthcare system. Nowhere is this waste more pronounced than in busy hospital Emergency Rooms. After all, according to Michellene Davis, Executive Vice President at RJWBarnabas Health, “the emergency door is the most expensive entrance into…

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How Medical Computers Make Life Easier for CNAs

Every year, we celebrate Career Nursing Assistant Appreciation Day on the very first day of National Nursing Assistants’ Week. Career Nursing Assistant Appreciation Day is about honoring those who devote their careers to this incredibly vital profession. It’s a day to acknowledge the massive…

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Securing Healthcare Information in a Digital World

While the rapid advancements in telehealth and digital healthcare that have been spurred on by the COVID-19 pandemic promise to deliver more care to more people more affordably, they have also opened up new avenues for bad actors to access sensitive information like patient data. It’s no secret…

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How Medical Tablets Enhance Care at Mobile Clinics

We’ve discussed at length how COVID-19 has changed healthcare on this blog, but one thing we haven’t discussed as much is the way it has highlighted inadequacies and inequalities that already existed. The pandemic has made clear that the existing methods of delivering care to patients left many…

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Streamlining Nursing Workflows with Medical Computers

It’s sometimes easy to overlook, but nurses are, in a very literal sense, the backbone of the healthcare system. In fact, there are more nurses than there are members of any other profession within healthcare. Unfortunately, for too many nurses, the job is often a thankless, stressful, and…

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