How Medical Computers Make Life Easier for CNAs

Every year, we celebrate Career Nursing Assistant Appreciation Day on the very first day of National Nursing Assistants’ Week. Career Nursing Assistant Appreciation Day is about honoring those who devote their careers to this incredibly vital profession. It’s a day to acknowledge the massive…

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Medical Computers and the Hospital of the Future

With the advancements made in digital technology during the 2010s, we were already on the cusp of radical changes in medicine before COVID-19 hit. Now, things that just seemed like distant possibilities before have rapidly become inevitabilities. Telehealth was still a newfangled luxury at the…

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Why Specialty Healthcare Will Go Remote

While the rest of the world fights to end the pandemic and return to normal, the pre-pandemic normal will never return for the healthcare industry. While several of the emergency protocols demanded by social distancing measures and surging infection rates will disappear, many of the technical…

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Improve Interoperability with the Right Medical Computers

Every organization consists of different departments working in sync together to move forward. This is doubly true with healthcare organizations such as hospitals, which measure success in lives saved and patients healed rather than profit and loss. A given hospital’s medical-grade computers need…

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4 Ways That AI will Affect Medical Computer Systems

The term “artificial intelligence” conjures images straight out of science fiction blockbusters: super-smart machines controlling all aspects of life, and often running wild to destroy their human creators. In reality, however, AI is very different… and in many ways, it’s already here. Artificial…

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10 Ways Hospitals Can Boost Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency presents both a challenge and an opportunity for healthcare facilities. The main challenge is the unique circumstances healthcare facilities face. Regulatory requirements, infection control, the intensity of energy and water use, 24/7 uninterrupted operation set healthcare…

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