How Power Over Ethernet and RFID Will Declutter Your Workplace

In our busy modern world, it can feel like our lives are full of clutter, and not just the physical kind. We’re constantly surrounded by technology that is supposed to make our lives easier and more efficient, but it often feels like that same technology is the cause of the clutter in many cases.…

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Medical Computers in Biomedical Engineering

When you hear the phrases “healthcare computers” or “medical tablets,” what images does your mind conjure up? If you’re like most people, you probably think of devices that hospitals use for things like charting, filling out eForms, and issuing electronic prescriptions. While the importance of…

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How the Internet of Things is Revolutionizing Dentistry

Regular readers of this blog will know all about how the Internet of Things, a network of objects that use digital sensors to collect data about their environment and share it over the internet, has completely revolutionized healthcare. Now patients can track their vitals with wearable activity…

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How Medical Tablets Enhance Care at Mobile Clinics

We’ve discussed at length how COVID-19 has changed healthcare on this blog, but one thing we haven’t discussed as much is the way it has highlighted inadequacies and inequalities that already existed. The pandemic has made clear that the existing methods of delivering care to patients left many…

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