Investing in Quality: Why OR Equipment Matters in Healthcare

Worldwide, over 300 million surgeries are performed each year, with US surgeons performing around 64 million procedures alone. To maximize each surgery’s success, hospitals equip their surgical teams and operating theaters with the best possible tools and equipment. Today’s article will…

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Why Veterinary Clinics Use Medical Grade Computers

Humanity has practiced veterinary medicine for as long as we’ve domesticated animals. From ancient Egypt to China, veterinarians have treated the animals we call pets and beasts of burden since 3000 BCE.  But like the broader healthcare field, veterinary medicine has experienced massive…

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IEC 60601 And Why It’s So Critical For Medical Technology

Medical electrical equipment faces incredibly stringent standards for safety and reliability. To ensure that electronic medical equipment and systems are held to appropriate levels, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) enforces the 60601 technical standard.  IEC 60601 is far from the…

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What Is a Medical-Grade Computer: Key Features, Uses & Types

The healthcare landscape has witnessed a remarkable transformation, thanks to the evolution of technology. From the earliest experiments with computers in healthcare in the mid-1950s to the sophisticated world of today’s medical-grade computing solutions, this journey has reshaped patient…

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How Medical Grade Computers Are Used in Emergency Rooms

In the past we discussed the uses for computers in a medical healthcare facility or hospital. While we provided some solid guidelines, we didn’t address the various departments, their specialties, and unique requirements. Here we’ll be covering one of them ﹘ the emergency department or emergency…

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A Few Problems Medical Professionals Face with EHR Compatibility

According to HealthIt, more than 95% of hospitals and office-based physicians have started utilizing EHR software. It’s clear use of EHR software has become the majority standard in a decade. Medical professionals stick by this method of health IT and information monitoring because it reduces…

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What Tech is Needed for Effective Clinical Collaboration Systems?

Doctors, nurses, and health professionals are like monoliths of information and experience when it comes to how the human body functions and heals. As impressive as these meticulously trained healers can be and despite technological advances in EHRs and medical computers, they’re still only human.…

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Breaking Down the ROI of Medical Computers

It can be difficult for an IT department in any industry to convince a CFO to write a bigger check for computer hardware. The fact remains that healthcare computers are going to be more expensive than a commercial grade computer. But it is also important to understand that IT hardware is, at a…

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Improve Interoperability with the Right Medical Computers

Every organization consists of different departments working in sync together to move forward. This is doubly true with healthcare organizations such as hospitals, which measure success in lives saved and patients healed rather than profit and loss. A given hospital’s medical-grade computers need…

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4 Ways Workstations on Wheels Improve Hospital Care

They're called workstations on wheels, or WOWs: mobile medical carts, either powered or non-powered, that allow nurses and other personnel to move from bedside to bedside with medical computer systems in tow. They’re rapidly becoming a staple in healthcare operations of all varieties, part of a…

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