What Are the New 21st Century Cures Act Interoperability and Information Blocking Laws?

Healthcare has recently been rife with policy changes and a “status quo” that has been anything but. And as we try to backwards engineer a new form of healthcare that can meet today’s pandemic-conscious patient’s needs, we’ve seen all manner of new policies ranging from the shutdown of elective…

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Telehealth and Diabetes Management

November is American Diabetes Month, a time where public awareness shifts towards the disease and advancements made towards its treatment and prevention methods. And this month of up-ticked awareness is much needed when you consider just how prevalent diabetes is in the US population. According to…

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Preparing for Better Telehealth Reimbursement and Better Remote Care

Healthcare is, understandably, undergoing a few growing pains. With 2020’s pandemic exponentially blowing up the importance and necessity of telehealth, several providers scrambled to quickly adopt new tech such as portable medical computer systems and services like remote patient monitoring before…

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4 Increasingly Impressive Healthcare Automation Solutions

When the time comes for a business or industry to change, the process can often seem simple – Adopt the newest tech, optimize using that tech, and bring your customers better service and value. Oftentimes, this is the case; however, healthcare has always been rather hesitant in its adoption of new…

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Applications of Telehealth for Chronic Care Management: Are They Viable?

Chronic care is the leading cause of both death and healthcare costs in the US. And it’s not even a contest. Chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer account for 7 out of 10 deaths in the US and make up more than 75% of the money spent on public and private healthcare. What…

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Medical Tablets are Essential as Patient Engagement Solutions

For the past few years, healthcare has been in the midst of a pivot towards patient empowerment. Value-based care, the abandonment of fee-for-service payment models, pushes to allow patients to access their own data, and many other recently advocated programs are all testaments to this pivot. Even…

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The Practical and Financial Benefits of Hot Swappable Battery Medical Computers

Healthcare, despite its necessity and despite the love many practitioners have for the practice, is rife with its own issues and pain points. Across the board, several nurses, doctors, IT team members, and more all report issues of burnout and frustration, not with the nature of their work, but in…

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Rebuilding Surgery After Mass Elective Surgery Cancellations

Health as an industry has been rocked by 2020, but the ways in which different professions within that industry have been impacted are varied. Surgery, for example, has experienced significant stress in the form of mass elective surgery cancellations due to mandated shutdowns and stunted recovery…

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Are Healthcare Wearables the Next Evolution of Remote Care?

In a perfect world, healthcare would be a much more convenient, much more effective process not only for the care provider, but for the patient themselves. Innovations such as medical grade all in one computers have surely made physicians’ jobs a little more convenient. However, while the benefits…

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RTLS in Healthcare: Promising Use Cases and How to Get Started

No matter the industry, proper asset management is paramount in running a tight ship. Healthcare, of course, is by no means an exception. Patients need care which requires staff that has access to tools, rooms, and workstation hubs like computers on wheels in order to administer that care.…

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