What is the Future of Medical Transcription?

Medical workers are highly-skilled, educated professionals in the highest demand they’ve ever been, and the hospital of the future is the one that respects and preserves their precious time. To create the hospital of the future, modern medical organizations need to invest in the software and…

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How Technology is Affecting and Improving Medical Transcription

Healthcare is always looking for ways to increase productivity. One example is using fewer steps to bring a patient out of a coma. Another would be making sure medical staff on the swing shift are not left scrambling for working equipment by verifying all battery-powered medical computers and other…

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What is Right to Repair and How Does it Affect Medical Devices?

Right to Repair (RtR, R2R) is a movement by consumers and repair shops to have Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) make available normally proprietary information of their products, as well as provide any necessary tools and spare parts. That way, product owners or such shops can make repairs or…

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4 Reasons to Use Medical Grade Monitors in Diagnostic Imaging

In 1895, physicist Wilhelm Röntgen revolutionized the field of medicine when he inadvertently created the world’s first radiographic image by passing his hand in front of a cathode ray tube. Today, more than a century later, digital technology allows doctors to capture diagnostic images with a…

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How Computer Vision Enhances Healthcare

As much as digital technology has radically altered the field of medicine, the profession is still primarily analog. Medical computers and medical tablets can help practitioners pull up medical records with a few taps of the finger, but without computer vision, they cannot tell you if the dark spot…

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How Medical Computers Improve Public Health Informatics

A year and a half ago, most people could be forgiven for not understanding the importance of data analysis in public health. But now, two summers into a global pandemic that we are just beginning to get a handle on, the role of data in public health has never been more at the forefront of public…

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Digital Literacy Skills Needed in Healthcare

When people decide to start a career in healthcare, they usually start looking into how they can acquire the necessary medical knowledge and certifications necessary to do their job. What they probably don’t think is, “Well, time to brush up on my computer skills.” This is unfortunate because by…

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Medical Computers in Biomedical Engineering

When you hear the phrases “healthcare computers” or “medical tablets,” what images does your mind conjure up? If you’re like most people, you probably think of devices that hospitals use for things like charting, filling out eForms, and issuing electronic prescriptions. While the importance of…

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How the Internet of Things is Revolutionizing Dentistry

Regular readers of this blog will know all about how the Internet of Things, a network of objects that use digital sensors to collect data about their environment and share it over the internet, has completely revolutionized healthcare. Now patients can track their vitals with wearable activity…

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Examining Solutions for Patient Safety in Hospitals

Since the passing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), hospitals have had to increase their focus on solutions for patient safety or risk penalties in the form of Medicare cuts. In 2019, 800 hospitals were penalized this way — a significant increase from five years prior when the Hospital Acquired…

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