How HIT is Simplifying Preventive Care

Disease and disability can be brought on by a number of factors, namely, environmental factors, genetic predispositions, lifestyle, and transmissible pathogens. Preventive care aims to explore these aspects (and more) of a patient’s health history in order to determine areas of risk and to lay out…

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How Medical Computers Help Eliminate ER Waste

There’s no denying that waste abounds in the American healthcare system. Nowhere is this waste more pronounced than in busy hospital Emergency Rooms. After all, according to Michellene Davis, Executive Vice President at RJWBarnabas Health, “the emergency door is the most expensive entrance into…

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How Medical Computers Make Life Easier for CNAs

Every year, we celebrate Career Nursing Assistant Appreciation Day on the very first day of National Nursing Assistants’ Week. Career Nursing Assistant Appreciation Day is about honoring those who devote their careers to this incredibly vital profession. It’s a day to acknowledge the massive…

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Medical Computers and the Hospital of the Future

With the advancements made in digital technology during the 2010s, we were already on the cusp of radical changes in medicine before COVID-19 hit. Now, things that just seemed like distant possibilities before have rapidly become inevitabilities. Telehealth was still a newfangled luxury at the…

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How Medical Tablets Enhance Care at Mobile Clinics

We’ve discussed at length how COVID-19 has changed healthcare on this blog, but one thing we haven’t discussed as much is the way it has highlighted inadequacies and inequalities that already existed. The pandemic has made clear that the existing methods of delivering care to patients left many…

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Streamlining Nursing Workflows with Medical Computers

It’s sometimes easy to overlook, but nurses are, in a very literal sense, the backbone of the healthcare system. In fact, there are more nurses than there are members of any other profession within healthcare. Unfortunately, for too many nurses, the job is often a thankless, stressful, and…

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Medical Computer Use Cases During the Coronavirus Outbreak

As we continue to deal with the spread of coronavirus by staying indoors and as healthcare providers continue to treat and test on the front lines, we’ve all learned quite a bit about the effectiveness of many popular healthcare initiatives. Programs like telehealth, clinical collaboration,…

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Going Paperless in Healthcare: The Benefits and the Roadblocks

Patient data has become the cornerstone of healthcare in recent years. And while the term “data” may immediately conjure up images of computer databases and digital spreadsheets, for quite some time, the healthcare space actually preferred to use physical paper charting in order to record this…

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A Few Problems Medical Professionals Face with EHR Compatibility

According to HealthIt, more than 95% of hospitals and office-based physicians have started utilizing EHR software. It’s clear use of EHR software has become the majority standard in a decade. Medical professionals stick by this method of health IT and information monitoring because it reduces…

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The Benefits and Dangers of Digital Collaboration in Healthcare

One of the greatest barriers for healthcare success, from patient relationships to lab testing to second opinions, is simple geography. When you’re a patient, you’re limited to the doctors and facilities near you. For doctors, the distance of a lab, specialist, or pathologist limits both the speed…

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