3 Ways Steel Companies Are Reducing Carbon Emissions

Steel manufacturing is an important part of our modern world. Imagine a world without steel. How would our buildings look? Same with our cars, ships, etc.   As you can imagine, construction gets the lion share of steel production with a whopping 52 percent. This is followed by the production of…

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Cloud Computing is Transforming the Oil and Gas Industry

Cloud computing has the power to make the oil and gas industry more efficient and eco-friendly on every level.  Cloud computing provides a decentralized place to store and access data with virtually no limit, which makes data analysis much easier for those making the big decisions in the gas and…

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Three Computer Advances that Increase Steelmakers’ Productivity and Profit

Silicon, in the form of a chip shortage, has dominated the news for the past 3-4 years. It’s unsurprising given the role of computers in our lives.  But even though the modern world revolves around computers, they’ve only been around since the mid 70’s. Steel has been around much…

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Tips in Choosing the Right Fleet Management Computer

Fleet management is the process of organizing, tracking, and maintaining a vehicle fleet. Fleets  usually consist of commercial cars, trucks, buses, and cargo vans.  Fleet management is done through a fleet management system (FMS). This combo of hardware and software collects data from an on-board…

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5 Reasons Why Rugged Industrial Computers are Best for Oil Refineries

An oil refinery is a manufacturing plant that takes crude oil and converts it into useful petroleum products: gasoline, lubricating and motor oils, petroleum gas, tar, etc. Because of the time-consuming and intense nature of the process, refineries present unique challenges to electronics like…

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Can Smart Farming Solve the Food Crisis?

According to the “World Population Prospects” report published by the United Nations, Earth may play host to 9.7 billion people by 2050. With hunger already a problem in both developed and undeveloped nations (though at differing levels), how can food production match food needs over the next 30+…

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Industrial Computers Are Revolutionizing Smart Factories

A revolution is underway in the industrial sector. Smart factories – automated facilities aimed at eliminating human error – are replacing their more traditional counterparts and expanding rapidly in the process. A recent article in Forbes estimates that they will add $500 billion or more to the…

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3 Reasons Why Industrial Grade Components Matter in a Manufacturing Setting

A computer's build is just as important as its function; without sufficient industrial grade components for a particular setting, a computer's TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) could be higher than expected. That's an important consideration on customization for a full corporation project—how should a…

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