How Barcode Scanning and Other Tools Can Create an Effective Food Recall Solution

It’s no shocker that food recalls are an expensive, efficiency draining occurrence for food and beverage manufacturers. With needing to trace back bad food batches to its source, the damaged brand reputation caused by poor quality control, and the legal ramifications should consumers face allergic…

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6 Manufacturing Trends Sure to Pick Up (More) Steam in 2021

It took some doing and a whole lot of adapting, but we’ve finally managed to make it to the other end of 2020. Though many manufacturers can’t say they aren’t worse for wear for the experience, they were able to draw quite a few insights as a result of having their status quo challenged and…

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How to Build a Waste Heat Recovery System Tailored to Your Business

When one thinks of wasted resources, the mind tends to picture certain things: sheet metal, wood, food stuffs, etc. We tend to pigeon hole ourselves into very physical representations of “waste” and focus on mitigating lost profit through eliminating these sources of physical waste. And while this…

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The Benefits of Mixed Reality in Manufacturing Explained

An employee on the factory line approaches a machine they’ve never in their life operated. Staring at the mass of unfamiliar iron and circuitry, they stand dumbfounded for a moment before a set of instructions materializes in front of them dictating where the controls are located. Happy to have…

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Why and How to Use Big Data in Manufacturing

With COVID, labor shortages, and compromised supply chains in full swing, the average manufacturer finds themselves grappling with one of two paths to follow. They can either A: pare back and attempt to save money – adopting a more lean manufacturing approach that’s optimized to only deliver…

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What is Downtime in Manufacturing and How Much is it Really Costing You?

Downtime in manufacturing has always been touted as the “big bad” for the industrial sector. Downtime is lost productivity, lost business, and lost profit after all. This disdain for any sort of downtime in manufacturing is what’s spurred on movements such as the fourth industrial revolution. By…

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Looking for Trustworthy Industrial Equipment Manufacturers? Ask These Questions

Integrating new machinery in the factory floor can be an exciting endeavor. With each new addition of industry 4.0 hardware such as an industrial grade computer or IoT software comes promises of optimization, increased efficiency, and even more increased profits.  However, it goes without saying…

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How Industry 4.0 Will Address the Manufacturing Talent Shortage

There’s been a rather peculiar, seemingly contradictory, trend coming out of the manufacturing industry the last few months. According to a report by the Institute for Supply Chain Management, manufacturing activity rose up to 56% in August, jumping up nearly 2% from numbers recorded in July. Even…

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Why is On Demand Manufacturing Suddenly Being Talked About?

Earlier in 2020, when the COVID pandemic was still in its infancy, manufacturing experienced one of its most prolific and high-profile stories ever. In response to lightning quick reduction in supplies such as PPE and ventilators, several manufacturers answered the call by leveraging their plants…

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What is OT Security? IT vs OT Security Best Practices

It’s rather unfortunate but cybercriminal activities tend to rise in times of increased stress and anxiety. 2020 has proven to show no shortages of both stress and anxiety and the proportional rise in cybersecurity attacks across all industries tend to prove this trend. Many times, these…

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