Choosing the Perfect Forklift Computer: A Buyer’s Guide for 2024

Warehouses, construction sites, and factory floors have become increasingly digital spaces as businesses take advantage of modern information technology. Even forklifts, a ubiquitous part of almost any worksite, can be improved by adding computers to their operations. Implementing forklift…

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Power Over Ethernet: What It Is and Where is It Going

Today’s electronics allow people to do tasks more quickly, more thoroughly, and with less effort. Unfortunately, all the devices involved require electricity, which may not be available depending on the location of the power outlets. Data transmission through cable is also needed as reliable…

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Three Technologies to Deal with Warehouse Shortage

You’re not imagining things if you’re seeing more and more warehouses on the side of the freeway. Shortage of valuable storage buildings is the latest challenge faced by the billion-dollar industry.  Businesses are striving to meet those challenges. Besides covering three technologies that may be…

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Challenges Facing the Mining Industry and Technologies That Can Help

Did you know people have been mining for minerals and metals before recorded history? In fact, the oldest known mine, which is located in South Africa, appears to have been worked as far back as 40,000 years ago.  That mine was used to dig for coal. Now mining is a massive global industry which…

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Car Wash Industry – Overview, Challenges and Possible Solutions

Most of us at the carwash are usually thinking about our grocery list or what we have to get afterwards, etc. but have you ever stopped to think how big the carwash industry actually is? Well, it’s big. In fact, the car wash industry is a multi-billion dollar business. Facilities and sites vary…

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Understanding Dust’s Effects on PCs (and How to Prevent It)

From smartphones, PCs, to massive server complexes, computers play a critical role in today’s world. Yet they are all vulnerable to the near-invisible dust found all around us. It can slow the functionality of computers to a crawl which costs time and money. It can even jeopardize lives in critical…

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Defining Computer Reliability

Imagine you launch the messaging app on your phone and it turns on the camera instead. Or your laptop only powers up 30 percent of the time. Neither of these scenarios would be a pleasant experience. Most of us would probably ditch the offending device into the nearest trash bin. We expect our…

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How to Choose the Best Rugged Tablet for Construction

Your construction company wants tablets for its crews out in the field. The reasons you get vary from increased worker safety to the upcoming construction boom.   You have been tasked to select those tablets. Where do you start? What do you look for? Right now, all you know is the regular,…

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Advantages of Predictive Analytics in Manufacturing

Data analytics is the practice of examining raw data to find insight and even answers to a company’s select questions. For businesses like manufacturing, it’s used to figure out key information such as why plants are breaking down or identifying trends like customer purchases during hurricane…

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Can Artificial Intelligence Solve Our Future Starvation Problem?

The agriculture sector is a major occupation in many countries, and its importance is greater than ever. According to UN projections, the world’s current population of 7.5 billion is expected to increase to 9.7 billion by 2050. Today’s farms will be hard pressed to feed the additional two billion…

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