Farm to Table: How Industrial Computers are Improving our Food Supply Chain

When you’re out shopping for groceries, you probably don’t consider how that bushel of apples or package of raw chicken reached the store shelf. But the process of getting food from the farm to your fork is one of the most important supply chains in the world. After all, how long would you last…

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What Are Industrial Robots and What Do They Do

The first industrial robot, the Unimate, made its debut in 1962. First used in a General Motors plant, the robotic arm was quickly adopted by other automakers, then entire industries. We cover today what makes up an industrial robot, the different kinds, and – most importantly – what they do that…

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Will Automakers See Recovery from Chip, Supply Chain Shortage in 2023?

If you were looking forward to buying a car in the new year, you may want to reconsider. Automakers continue to be hit hard by the chip shortage and supply chain disruptions from 2020. They are taking steps, however, to stabilize their supplies. We cover their efforts today in both areas including…

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How Frozen Food is Made and New Innovations In this Rising Industry

Frozen foods had a profound impact on modern eating habits. People no longer had to devote large amounts of time to prepare their meals. Depending on the dish, it could just take minutes in the microwave or similar warming device.  Frozen food, whether its preserved berries or complete meals, is a…

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Understanding Dust’s Effects on PCs (and How to Prevent It)

From smartphones, PCs, to massive server complexes, computers play a critical role in today’s world. Yet they are all vulnerable to the near-invisible dust found all around us. It can slow the functionality of computers to a crawl which costs time and money. It can even jeopardize lives in critical…

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HIPAA Guidelines & What is HIPAA Compliance [Compliance Checklist]

You know what is an easy way to save 1.5 Million dollars? Follow HIPAA’s regulations. This is the amount that companies on average are paying for each HIPAA violation. That is not including possible job loss or jail time.  So how does one avoid such eye-popping fines and penalties? What…

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PC Cooling: Why It is Important and What are Your Options

Open almost any PC chassis and you’ll see its cooling system whether it’s a squarish fan unit or the more exotic water cooler. Or no fan at all if your PC uses a fanless design.  What are the similarities? How different are they? This guide aims to answer these questions in the hopes it’ll help you…

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How Industry 4.0 Can Make HVAC Factory Friendly

Many people see being an HVAC (short for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) technician the same way they see being a plumber – a blue-collar trade for people looking for a career path that doesn’t require a college degree. In reality, just like plumbing, HVAC is a complex and…

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How Industry 4.0 can Maximize the Potential of ERP

It has long been true that effective communication is integral for a business to run smoothly and efficiently. The different departments of a company, from purchasing, to logistics, to accounting, etc., all need to work in concert to maximize productivity. And while ERP software has facilitated…

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How Industry 4.0 Will Change the Oil and Gas Industry

As it has on every other industry, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a marked impact on the Oil and Gas Industry. Already trending downward before the virus, worldwide public health lockdowns caused oil consumption to shrink dramatically. Nevertheless, despite ongoing mass vaccination efforts and a…

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