Balancing Security and Convenience: User Authentication Best Practices

Password fatigue is defined as stress, anxiety, and worry associated with keeping track of all one’s accounts’ passwords. Users juggle over 150 passwords on average, a marked increase from 70 to 80 in 2019.  Like any form of constant tiredness, password fatigue can lead to mistakes.…

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Protecting Digital Assets: The Role of TPM Chips in Cybersecurity

In 2023, cyberattacks inflicted an estimated $11.5 trillion in damage, including monetary losses, service disruptions, and more. As we increasingly rely on computers in every sector of life imaginable, this number is bound to increase, reaching a predicted $23.84 trillion in 2027.  Understandably,…

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How IP Addresses and Geolocation Protect Your Network

Just like how your home or business has an address, every computer, tablet, and smartphone has an address on the Internet. An Internet Protocol (IP) address helps guide traffic and manage the flow of data between devices and servers. It also serves as an essential tool in cybersecurity efforts.  A…

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The Importance of Data Security in Healthcare: Protecting Patient Privacy

The healthcare sector has become increasingly data-driven as providers embrace analytics to find better solutions and improve people’s quality of life. However, this data can be a significant point of vulnerability and a tempting prize for cybercriminals to steal.  Data security, the process of…

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HIPAA-Compliant Technology: The Ultimate Guide

Few regulations are as critical in the world of healthcare as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Passed in 1996 and enforced by the Office of Civil Rights, HIPAA compliance remains critical for healthcare providers and insurance companies alike.  In today’s article, we…

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Healthcare SSO Solutions & Their Importance

Today’s medical professionals juggle multiple applications, each requiring a unique login and password. Single Sign-On (SSO) technology aims to solve this ever-growing problem, which affects everything from workflow efficiencies to cybersecurity. Today’s article covers SSO: how it works, its…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Operating Systems for Healthcare Professionals

If you use computers, you’ve probably heard the term “operating system” at least a few times. You may even understand how critical an operating system, or OS, is for a computer to function in the first place. But what about the world of healthcare? As we’ve frequently explored, the healthcare…

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Safe and Secure: Eight Recommendations for Legacy Device Cybersecurity

Given the increasing threat of cyberattacks on the healthcare industry, both government agencies and private businesses have a vested interest in better protection from malicious actors. The threat has become so severe that in 2022, Congress tasked the FDA with assessing the cybersecurity strengths…

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Computer Lifespans And Design Features That Extend Them For Years

Whether you’re buying a single office PC or an entire shipment of medical-grade computers for a new hospital, you want to know you’re getting your money’s worth. In particular, you want to be sure that your new computers will last long enough for you to get a good return on your investment.…

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Beyond The Screen: A Comprehensive Guide to Privacy Filters In Healthcare Settings

When people think of cybercrimes, they think of things like phishing, firewalls, security encryption, and ransomware. These are all reasonable concerns, but one aspect of cybercrimes that often goes unremembered is “visual hacking.”  Visual hacking is exactly what it sounds like: malicious actors…

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