How Can the Order to Cash Process be Improved with Industrial Computers?

Regardless of whether we’re discussing a B2B-based manufacturer or one that sells directly to consumers, the order to cash process is an essential one and one whose optimization should be prioritized. Thankfully, as complicated as the process is, because it’s so complicated and involves so many…

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Do You Really Need Industrial Internet of Things? Defining Value in Smart Manufacturing

The outcry and advocating for industrial internet of things has been anything but quiet these past few years. Slowly, with the introduction of sensors capable of gathering machine diagnostics and the industrial grade computers designed to house that data and craft actionable insight, Industry 4.0…

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Collaborative Robots in Manufacturing and How to Dip Your Toe into Automation

For all the huffing and puffing about how important industrial automation is, it can be rather hard for smaller plants to break into when you consider all of the moving parts needed- IoT devices, tailored industrial PCs, required software, not to mention more advanced, sophisticated solutions like…

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Robotic Process Automation in Manufacturing

Optimization is a rather hot buzzword that’s thrown around with abandon in several industries, and in none more so than the manufacturing sector. Truthfully, optimization means something very similar in several industries: improving efficiency by streamlining tasks that can stand to be done in a…

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What the Fourth Industrial Revolution Means for Your Factory

“Fourth Industrial Revolution” is a term being thrown around frequently in smart factory, automation, and general manufacturing circles, but what does it mean for the owners and operators on the ground? Does the so-called fourth industrial revolution come with tools, industrial computers, and…

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4 Easy Ways to Modernize Legacy Industrial Equipment

Until the latest and greatest industrial technology comes free of charge, legacy equipment is always going to be an important part of any manufacturing process. Systems are being updated constantly, from robotics to sensors to industrial computers, and it’s simply not possible for most factories to…

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3 Precision Farming Solutions to Common Agricultural Problems

Whether you call it precision farming, precision ag, smart farming, or cyber agriculture, the bottom line is that success in the increasingly difficult work of modern agriculture lives and dies by embracing the latest technology. But these methods aren’t just about the newest and shiniest gadgets.…

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The Use of Industrial Computers in the Automotive Industry

The automotive industry invented automation: it’s no surprise that they’ve embraced industrial computers faster than any other field of manufacturing.  Because automotive manufacturing requires flexible solutions that can pivot with the adoption of new technology (both in the cars themselves and in…

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Is Industrial Cybersecurity Even Possible?

Industrial control systems have made life easier for automation and manufacturing, and are a vital component in both the present and future of the industry. Unfortunately, with every new technology or process comes complications, unique problems that were unforeseen or impossible-to-imagine in the…

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When Is it Time to Upgrade Industrial Legacy Machines?

The greatest problem with cutting-edge technology is that it only stays cutting edge for a short period of time.  Since any factory, mine, construction, or industrial site is usually filled to the rafters with computers and machines, a question of upgrade becomes a huge financial concern. This…

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