What The FDA’s Postmarket Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices Means for Manufacturers of Medical Devices

The FDA‘s guidance on “Postmarket Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices”[PDF] is a complementary document for the 2014’s “Content of Premarket Submissions for Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices” [PDF]. The 30 pages of the guidance contain detailed recommendations, and the…

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Data At Risk – BYOD vs Medical Tablets in Healthcare

You would be hard-pressed to find a healthcare worker who does not use a smartphone or tablet for work. Be it for taking notes during a phone conversation, searching for references, using medical apps, tapping out a quick email on the go, video conferencing with a patient, or signing medical image…

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How Inefficient Communication Hampers Healthcare Quality… and What To Do About It

In the health care setting, success requires coordination and efficient communication across multiple disciplines and specialties. Issues can occur at any stage of communication  - in the management of urgent issues, or in situations when multiple members of the care team contribute to treating a…

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Best Practices for a Productive Mobile Workforce

Enabling a productive and efficient collaboration is one of the top priorities of today’s IT professionals because it is the productive and successful teamwork that makes a great company. Even though that statement has been true for decades, the technology that helps enable the productive workforce…

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Houston Fire Dept.’s Mobile Innovations and Telehealth In Emergency Care

From Feb. 19 to 23, 2017, Orlando’s County Convention Center (OCCC) hosted this year’s largest health IT conference and exhibition, HIMSS17. Cybernet traditionally attended, and we have a lot of news and impressions to share. With 7 million square feet, OCCC is one of the country’s largest…

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How to Implement Patient Infotainment Using Bedside Computers or Tablets

The value-based healthcare system becomes more competitive than ever, and hospitals need to focus on the patient experience as one of the main contributing factors to how patients evaluate their stay. As Medicare reimbursement now directly depends on patient satisfaction, hospitals focus on…

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Benefits of Power-over-Ethernet Computers in Healthcare Settings

A typical healthcare environment is a complex system of devices, networks and people working in-sync, but modern hospitals are increasingly pressed to find cost-saving solutions. Energy efficiency is one of the focal points in health care budgeting.  Reducing energy consumption is a priority, but…

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The Importance Of Real-Time Communication Technology In The Event Of A Disaster

Healthcare facilities are complex ecosystems with hundreds of clinical and administrative processes. Hospitals also play a central role in disaster response, and technology revolutionizes how first responders organize, automate and streamline the workflow. Natural and manmade disasters of the past…

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Integrating Computers That Serve Dual Purposes Into The Medical Space

Health IT is improving patient health, data collection and safety, care quality and efficiency, but most importantly it is helping providers restrain rising costs. Through the implementation of technology that serves dual, or often times multiple, purposes, healthcare providers are introducing new…

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