Chatbot for Healthcare: A New Era in Patient Care

Chatbots, or programs designed to simulate human conversation especially online, have been sweeping the news feeds for the past few weeks. Much of the interest is driven by ChatGPT, which has wowed users with its abilities to answer questions ranging from how to bottle-feed a colicky baby to…

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Why Personal Health Records are as Important as EHR and EMR

When most people hear of medical software, they imagine programs like electronic health records or telehealth. But it’s not just providers and healthcare IT who use them for the health industry. Patients are turning to software as part of their greater involvement in their health needs. We cover…

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Replace 6 Hospital Equipment with One Medical Computer or Tablet

Remember the days people used to walk with stereos and their arms fatigued from holding those bulky video cameras?  Now all those devices and functions fit in your pocket via your smartphone. A similar replacement, which we’re covering today, is happening in the healthcare industry thanks to…

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5 Uses for Medical Computers in Hospitals

In the mid-Fifties, computer use in hospitals was mainly in the automation of financial and accounting tasks. As the technology grew and regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and Medicare/Medicaid information systems changed, computers became more and more…

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Medical Coders vs AI – Who Will Be Employed In the Future?

Medical coding is the review of medical documentation for billing and database purposes. Coders, as professionals in the field are called, do so by assigning standard codes to items like the names of diseases, medical conditions, and even instruments used.  Today, many coders are concerned if their…

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What is the Future of Medical Transcription?

Medical workers are highly-skilled, educated professionals in the highest demand they’ve ever been, and the hospital of the future is the one that respects and preserves their precious time. To create the hospital of the future, modern medical organizations need to invest in the software and…

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How Fax Machines Hinder EMR (And How to Solve It)

Want to see if time-travel is real? Simply walk into any doctor’s office or a hospital and ask to use their fax machine.  This everyday device, whose heyday was back in the late 1980s, is still lumbering along in a world of telemedicine, medical computers, and artificial intelligence. Nearly 90…

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3 Approaches to Protecting Your Networks on Computer Security Day

November 30th, 1988, should be marked as a day of infamy for our modern, connected times. During that month, researchers at Cornell University discovered an unknown virus lurking in their computer systems. This so-called “Morris worm” would quickly spread to other connected university systems. If…

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Best Medical Tablets for Healthcare

We are well into the digital revolution in Healthcare. Gone are the days of clipboards and storage rooms filled with folders of handwritten patient records. Medical Tablets are now the standard way medical data is captured and received at the point of care. These tablets eliminate the need to…

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