Healthcare Interoperability: Your Essential Guide

The growth of information technology has revolutionized almost every industry imaginable, healthcare included. More healthcare organizations than ever use some form of electronic health records (EHRs) to record and store information about patients, and that’s just the start. Telemedicine, remote…

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Embracing Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Remember when you had to call your provider’s office to schedule an appointment to get a flu shot? Now, you can schedule one on the website of your local pharmacy. Want the best plastic surgeon, but she’s based halfway around the world? It’s not a problem as she remotely operates the robot…

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Digital Dentistry: What It Is and Where It’s Going

Over five thousand years have passed since the first recorded dentist looked into the mouth of a patient. Today’s dental pioneers, armed with cutting-edge technology, face even greater challenges in their quest to provide superior patient care, comfort, and treatment efficiency. In an…

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Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Threats & Their Prevention

The healthcare sector has benefited enormously from the widespread use of the Internet and specialized medical computers. Electronic health records, telemedicine, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices are just a few of the benefits that hospitals and practices enjoy in this digital age.…

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Medical-Grade Tablets: Everything You Need to Know

Hospitals need a lightweight electronic device for tasks like charting, electronic health records access, and remote monitoring. Medical PCs can solve these tasks but are too heavy and bulky to carry around comfortably all day. Smaller devices like PDAs and smartphones could handle some of these…

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Top 10 Worst Healthcare Data Breaches of 2023 and How to Strengthen Cybersecurity

Healthcare can’t seem to get a break. It’s barely passed the halfway mark for 2023, and it’s been slammed in newsfeeds. Breaches in healthcare cybersecurity are estimated to affect more than 40 million Americans, potentially surpassing last year’s 52 million cyber break-ins.  We cover the 10…

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The Benefits of Telehealth Psychiatry: Why It’s a Game-Changer

Telemedicine has allowed patients and doctors to reach each other and treat illnesses without physically being in the same room. Providers can see, hear, and even examine their patients remotely on their medical computers and advise the appropriate treatments. Can the same be done with mental…

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Why Cyber Insurance Is Important for Your Healthcare Organization

You just finished your last project of the day – installing custom anti-virus software on a medical tablet – when an email pops up in your inbox.  It’s from your supervisor. She needs some cost analysis figures on cyber insurance for healthcare asap. Someone in upper management is convinced being…

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How to Choose the Right EMR System for Your Practice

You’ve been tasked by your healthcare group to submit recommendations for its electronic medical records (EMR) platform. You know the right (or wrong) EMR systems will have an impact for years to come, affecting medical staff productivity and the choice of healthcare computer to display patient…

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