Medical-Grade Monitors in Healthcare: A Closer Look

Medical-grade computers are amazing tools. With them, providers and healthcare personnel can access data ranging from patients’ EMRs to the latest blood test results. Viewing and accessing this data is accomplished via a medical-grade monitor or display.  Today’s post covers this…

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Customizing Cybernet Computers: A Full Guide

The wide range of challenges medical computers face in a modern hospital means no simple “one size fits all” solution exists. Eventually, a hospital’s computers must be customized to fit their intended roles or applications.  However, the list of customization options is just as long as the list of…

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Simplifying User Experience: The Advantages of Single Sign-On in Healthcare

During an average shift, providers must interact with multiple medical tablets and computers, constantly logging in and out as they go. This is a slow, tedious process, especially if they need to access multiple applications or websites that also require users to log in. This time gradually adds…

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Healthcare Technology’s Impact on Modern Medicine

Technology has changed every aspect of human existence, including healthcare. From writing prescriptions with quills and ink to maintaining detailed patient databases, healthcare technology has become essential to delivering effective and efficient medical care.   Healthcare technology ensures…

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How Software as Medical Devices is Revolutionizing Patient Care

Digital health apps have seen an explosion in use in the past few years, as changing circumstances, evolving tastes, and a global pandemic make remote healthcare options more palatable. Mobile health apps offer new opportunities for patient care and monitoring, and help reduce the necessity of…

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How RFID Technology Delivers A Better Healthcare Experience

A hospital comprises an extensive system with numerous dynamic elements, including patients, healthcare providers, and medical equipment. Managing and ensuring the readiness of the staff and tools for patient care within this intricate system is challenging. Sadly, it’s a standard that hospitals…

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What Is IoMT: Explore the Revolution

Historically, electronic medical devices operated in silos, leaving humans to juggle information between them manually. For example, if a healthcare provider wanted to record a patient’s medical monitor results, they would have to do so manually on another device. The advent of the internet has…

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The Future of Healthcare: Automation for a Better Tomorrow

In the not-so-distant past, booking a doctor’s appointment meant dialing a phone and visiting an office in person. Today, it’s a swipe and tap on your smartphone. Picture this: a 30-minute consultation, all without leaving the comfort of your home. Welcome to the realm of healthcare…

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What Is Telehealth & Why Implement It

Telehealth is the future of healthcare, changing how patients and providers interact and expanding healthcare services beyond traditional limits. Telehealth implementation focuses on the practical aspects of integrating telehealth into healthcare organizations, ensuring it runs smoothly to benefit…

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