How Infotainment Systems Can Benefit Both Patients and Providers

Patients rarely want to be at a hospital, which goes double for inpatients needing long-term care. A hospital is often associated with pain, discomfort, and confinement, with patients having to stay in bed and do nothing while their body recovers from illness or surgery. For years, the only thing…

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Implementing New Technology in Healthcare: Challenges and Best Practices

Humanity has always relied on technology and our capacity for invention to secure better lives. We get cold in the winter, so we mastered fire. We can’t travel fast, so we tamed horses and later invented carriages, cars, and aircraft. The same applies to healthcare. We created bandages to stop…

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The Importance of Data Security in Healthcare: Protecting Patient Privacy

The healthcare sector has become increasingly data-driven as providers embrace analytics to find better solutions and improve people’s quality of life. However, this data can be a significant point of vulnerability and a tempting prize for cybercriminals to steal.  Data security, the process of…

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Healthcare SSO Solutions & Their Importance

Today’s medical professionals juggle multiple applications, each requiring a unique login and password. Single Sign-On (SSO) technology aims to solve this ever-growing problem, which affects everything from workflow efficiencies to cybersecurity. Today’s article covers SSO: how it works, its…

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2024’s Top Healthcare Technology Trends

With 2023 firmly in the rear-view mirror, the healthcare sector now turns its gaze to 2024. 2023 saw its fair share of economic and political turmoil worldwide and the explosive growth of generative AI.  ChatGPT and similar programs are poised to disrupt almost every industry imaginable, and…

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Essential Emergency Room Equipment

In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of the Emergency Room (ER), having the right equipment on hand is not just about efficiency—it’s about saving lives. Essential ER equipment, from advanced diagnostic tools to life-sustaining devices, forms the backbone of effective emergency care, enabling…

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Better and Faster Results: The Power of Edge Computing in Healthcare

Data drives modern medical technology. Over 10 billion Internet of Things (IoT) medical devices measure and report information like heartbeat rate, blood pressure, glucose levels, and more. This data must be processed and analyzed so that healthcare providers can make better-informed treatment…

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Cybernet’s Partners And How They Make Us Better

As the saying goes, “No man is an island.” As it turns out, the same goes for businesses. Every company, no matter how skilled or capable its employees may be, needs business partners to deliver the best possible product or service to its customers.  At Cybernet Manufacturing, we rely on our…

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Key Steps for Successful Electronic Medical Records Implementation

Electronic medical records (EMR) systems handle everything from documenting patient data and scheduling appointments to filling prescriptions and verifying insurance. You can do all this and more on a medical-grade computer or tablet, unlike older systems and their paper-filled files and folders.…

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