How Companies are Automating the Warehouse with Industrial Tablets

Now that eCommerce has blossomed into the giant industry it is today, online retailers find automation is a more pressing need. Supply Chain Brief reports that Amazon hired over 120,000 workers one holiday season just to fulfill the influx of online orders—not a light expense! Automating the…

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Advantages of Fanless All-in-One Computers

Technology evolves at an increasing speed. Every day brings a new change. Old concepts are redefined. Capabilities never seen before emerge. The fanless PC design and technology under its hood has changed so much since the first fanless computer appeared. Fanless all-in-one computers – even more.…

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Why Industrial Computers Are Perfect for Challenging Environments

Industrial computers are best equipped to work under the challenging working environments because they are built from the ground up to withstand the conditions that are not electronics-friendly. We can define such challenging working environments as anything that surpasses the norms of your typical…

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Types of Industrial PCs Used in Industrial Automation

The industrial sector is increasingly experiencing the impact of the Industry 4.0 concept. Whether you are looking to optimize the workflow, increase production or savings in maintenance, or explore new automation opportunities, there are many ways industrial automation and the underlying…

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Flexible Open Frame Panel PC – Advantages, Market Segments, and Important Features

Flexible open frame panel PCs are built from ground up to be easily integrated into custom solutions. The open frame means a device is mainly placed in a metal enclosure and does not have a bezel. Instead, it is typically shipped with various mounting options or options that allow it to be easily…

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The Benefits Of A Mini Rugged As A Point Of Sale Computer

Leveraging Point of Sale In any competitive business, the point of sale is a lot more than just a place to register the cash flow. When equipped properly, POS becomes your strategic center, your shortcut to the many business processes that help you grow your business. These processes need to be…

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Utilizing Rugged Tablets for Order Automation

Regardless of the products that a company produces and distributes, the process of completing orders is always very similar. Orders come in, often in a variety of formats, including email, fax, phone, and online forms. Then, a staff member must sift through each order and format in order to extract…

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One Enterprise Grade Tablet: 7 Business Processes Streamlined

The success of a business relies heavily on the ease with which its processes can function on a daily basis. Businesses have evolved into a multi-layered system of tasks that are both hierarchical and interdependent. Components such as manufacturing, processing, presentation, sales and maintenance…

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Touch Screen Operability: Capacitive vs Resistive Touch Screens

Many businesses today can benefit with an upgrade to PCs utilizing touch screen technology. With intuitive application, PCs and tablets equipped with touch screen capabilities allow for more streamlined operations, with less cumbersome wires and attachments. Two touch screen options are commonly…

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