Have Hospitals Begun Accepting Healthcare Innovation Technology?

Despite the constant release of ever-improving pieces of healthcare innovation technology, providers and facilities can be rather averse to adopting these new hardware and software. While there have been more popularly accepted pieces of tech, such as medical all in one PCs and EHRs due to their…

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What will the Medical Device Industry Look Like Post-COVID?

Recent global events have shown healthcare providers what being underprepared truly looks like. Not having enough staff, not having enough personal protective equipment, and especially not having the right alternative methods of administering care at the ready have rocked acute and emergency care…

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Medical Computer Use Cases During the Coronavirus Outbreak

As we continue to deal with the spread of coronavirus by staying indoors and as healthcare providers continue to treat and test on the front lines, we’ve all learned quite a bit about the effectiveness of many popular healthcare initiatives. Programs like telehealth, clinical collaboration,…

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What is Continuum of Care and How Do You Get Started?

If there’s one thing we’ve learned in times such as these where our healthcare systems are overwhelmed, it’s that consistent, carefully monitored care is essential for treating many of the ailments, both physical and mental, that affect those who seek healing. And as hospitals have continued to…

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Healthcare Chatbot Use Cases Blend Tech with Patient Empathy

Despite the sheer abundance of technology used in care facilities such as medical computers, AI, surgical robots, and more, healthcare is a very personal, social discipline. After all, doctors and nurses are often working with patients at their lowest and in the most need of a human touch. Many of…

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Would Your Hospital Be Ready for Medicare For All?

Universal healthcare has always been a buzz-inducing topic, one that’s only increased in discussion as we begin to see plenty of candidates in 2020 promise some version of “Medicare For All.” And whether you believe it’s possible or that we’re simply not capable of providing it just yet, part of a…

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What Tech is Needed for Effective Clinical Collaboration Systems?

Doctors, nurses, and health professionals are like monoliths of information and experience when it comes to how the human body functions and heals. As impressive as these meticulously trained healers can be and despite technological advances in EHRs and medical computers, they’re still only human.…

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Personalization Could be the Key to Ending EHR Physician Burnout

In healthcare, the right technology implemented the right way can perform miracles towards optimizing patient care. One need just look at remote monitoring tools, medical grade computers, and health tracking wearables for perfect examples of seamless tech integration.  The right technology…

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Innovating Veteran Care with the Latest Medical Computers and Technology

It’s not controversial to say that veteran care needs work: defending those who’ve defended all of us at the cost of their minds and bodies needs to be a higher priority.  But how can we achieve these goals with the often limited budgets veterans’ healthcare facilities and organizations are often…

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Is Your Hospital Ready for Hurricanes and Other Disasters?

Hurricanes are in the news right now and are a real danger for millions of people on the east coast of the United States.  However, disaster can strike tragically at any time, from multiple different vectors: earthquake, flooding, storms, tornadoes, and snow. Unfortunately, recent data shows that…

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