HIPAA Guidelines & What is HIPAA Compliance [Compliance Checklist]

You know what is an easy way to save 1.5 Million dollars? Follow HIPAA’s regulations. This is the amount that companies on average are paying for each HIPAA violation. That is not including possible job loss or jail time.  So how does one avoid such eye-popping fines and penalties? What…

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5 Uses for Medical Computers in Hospitals

In the mid-Fifties, computer use in hospitals was mainly in the automation of financial and accounting tasks. As the technology grew and regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and Medicare/Medicaid information systems changed, computers became more and more…

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How Modern Hospital Waiting Rooms Provide Safety and Reduce Wait Time

No one likes waiting in waiting rooms. Especially if one is sick or has a loved one in a hospital ward. Realizing this, medical clinics and hospitals made many changes to make the experience more bearable. COVID-19 shifted these efforts, making safety the priority for patients and staff. We’ll be…

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How EMR, mHealth, and Smart Homes Comfort Hospice Residents

In 3 Technologies That Are Advancing Hospice Care, we discussed how telemedicine, predictive analytics, and virtual reality (VR) benefited patients in hospice. This time, we’re covering three additional technologies: electronic medical records (EMR), mHealth (example: wearables), and smart homes.…

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3 Unconventional Telehealth Solutions to Meet Rural Healthcare Needs

Telehealth played a critical role helping people deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. It allows patients to safely contact their providers to deal with their non-urgent but still important conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and pregnancy.  The technology proved to have limits, though. Many…

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Robotic-Assisted Surgery: Five Misconceptions and the Facts Behind Them

You’re at your doctor’s waiting room. No one likes to hear that they are going to need surgery, let alone that it might be a robotic-assisted procedure, which is highly possible with today’s fast paced advancements in medical technology.  What, exactly, is robotic-assisted surgery?, you ask…

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4 Key Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Chronic Care Management

Chronic diseases such as asthma, arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease affect about half of all adults in the US. Worldwide, they account for more than 90 percent of the morbidity and mortality rates among First-World nations. Here are even more sobering figures to think about: Chronic diseases…

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How Telemedicine Improves Maritime Healthcare

Most people in developed nations take medical care for granted. The COVID-19 pandemic, and the following lockdowns to contain it, brought to light the many gaps in healthcare systems to public attention.  One such gap was health services for seafarers like merchant ship crews. Roughly 90 percent of…

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How Femtech Brings Balance to Healthcare for Women

Consider the following: In a fact sheet released by the US Department of Labor, healthcare expenses for women between the ages of 19 – 44 were found to be 80 percent higher than men of similar age. Reproductive services were considered one of the main reasons for the difference. In the UK,…

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3 Technologies That Are Advancing Hospice Care

Last year in March, the 4,600+ hospice facilities in the US effectively closed their doors to all visitors except essential personnel as the country fought to contain the COVID-19 virus. Many of the 1.5 million+ residents suddenly found themselves cut off from loved ones and even non-essential…

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