Blockchain for Food Safety: 4 Use Cases of Food Traceability and Control

When was the last time you sat down and really thought about where your food came from- What factories it traveled through, what processes the raw ingredients went through, how it was transported from farm to factory to store to table? Fortunately, the average consumer doesn’t need to obsessively…

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What is Machine Vision and How is it Evolving Manufacturing?

Being as impressive and versatile as they are, machines will continue involving themselves in the industrial space in higher and higher volume. Already we see vast saturation in this regard when you look at the use of industrial computer hubs for smart manufacturing, heavy machinery used to lift…

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Technology that Makes Sanitation in Food Manufacturing Possible

While food may be used to treat us at our sickest and weakest, it can just as quickly harm us if proper sanitation efforts aren’t taken at the stage of production. Sanitation in food manufacturing is beyond essential now and will only continue to grow in importance as time goes on. And food…

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What the Fourth Industrial Revolution Means for Your Factory

“Fourth Industrial Revolution” is a term being thrown around frequently in smart factory, automation, and general manufacturing circles, but what does it mean for the owners and operators on the ground? Does the so-called fourth industrial revolution come with tools, industrial computers, and…

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4 Easy Ways to Modernize Legacy Industrial Equipment

Until the latest and greatest industrial technology comes free of charge, legacy equipment is always going to be an important part of any manufacturing process. Systems are being updated constantly, from robotics to sensors to industrial computers, and it’s simply not possible for most factories to…

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4 Strategies for Making the Most Out of Your Medical Cart Computers

Medical cart computers have been around for a while, but their saturation in hospitals has never been higher than it is now. Sometimes called COWs (computers on wheels), cart computers have increased connectivity, patient confidentiality, and accountability across the board. And while inputting…

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Stopping Food Waste at the Industrial Scale

With a soaring population and only a limited amount of space to expand for the growth of food production, providing enough food for the entire population may hinge on our ability to eliminate food waste. Even worse, food waste also causes a chain-reaction of waste, from the fuels used to transport…

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6 Reasons Not to Worry About Robots in the Operating Room

There’s no shortage of fear about automation, but most of it has to do with job loss. However, there is a unique anxiety that may have patients fearing their upcoming surgery appointment more than usual: the idea that a robot may be the one holding the scalpel. Robotic surgery is making…

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Surviving the Transition to Digital Dentistry

Transitioning from a standard dental office to a fully digital practice causes many dentists to balk. The initial cost is high, the learning curve can feel extreme, and the constantly-mutating nature of technological progress can make some clinicians wonder if what’s here today is going to be…

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4 Ways to Maximize Your ROI Investment with Industrial Computers

The words ERP implementation might conjure nightmares for some operations managers out there. The fact is, ERP implementations are expensive and time-consuming, and in a lot of cases, they fail to produce a positive ROI. There are a lot of reasons why an ERP implementation might fail ranging from…

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