Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Tablet PCs

Physicians are very busy in any healthcare setting. They go from room to room without a moment to spare. Patients can end up waiting for hours. How much of a relief would it be if they had a piece of technology that could save one hour per day amidst the chaos? Tablet PCs do that and so much more!…

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Why Medical Tablets are the Perfect Device for Mobile Blood Banks

The pervasive use of electronic devices in the professional arena has changed the way tasks are being carried out. The use of electronics devices has had a tremendous impact on specific industries. The medical profession has been greatly affected by the use of devices like medical computers and…

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Tips to Extend the Battery Life of Your Medical Tablet

Professionals in different industries have come to rely on electronic devices to carry out a variety of tasks. The use of devices like all-in-one computers or electronic tablets have simplified a variety of tasks that used to require a considerable amount of time and effort to successfully carry…

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Why Fanless Medical Computers are a Must for the Medical Profession

The enterprise industries and the healthcare profession have been greatly affected by the increasing use of all-in-one computers and similar devices. The healthcare profession has grown to rely more and more on medical computers to simplify a variety of tasks and facilitate the medical…

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How EMR is Changing the Face of Healthcare

The extensive use of devices like all-in-one computers and medical tablets has re-shaped the way certain industries operate. The medical profession has seen startling shifts when it comes to patient care and treatment due to the use of these devices. The genesis of these changes comes as a result…

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Why Medical Tablets are the “Swiss Army Knife” of IT solutions

Over recent years, healthcare professionals have steadily migrated from traditional workflow platforms to modern alternatives that allow for more streamlined management procedures.  The driving force that fuels this transition is the widespread use of devices like medical tablets. Several…

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How Is Telemedicine and IoT Shaping Healthcare?

The technology in healthcare industry continues to evolve rapidly. Many of the changes over the last decade involve the use of devices like medical tablets and all–in–one computers to track health records and diagnostics. The next degeneration in medical devices, leverages connectivity and data in…

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Military Grade Electronics: The Secret to Reliability in All-in-One Computers

All-in-one computers have become the preferred choice for people who work in fast paced, hectic environments. It is fairly common for you to see these devices in the medical field, as well as, the industrial sector. The level of versatility that these devices possess is one of the primary reasons…

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Advancing Technology: 3 Reasons Why Your Next Medical PC Should Be Waterproof

Computers have become ubiquitous in the professional arena – and particularly in the healthcare industry. Medical grade PCs are relied upon to process EMR software and patient cases in an efficient manner. Given the demands of the hospital environment, it’s becomes imperative for administrators to…

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Implementing Efficient Medication Dispensing Systems through the Use of Medical Tablets and Mobile Solutions

Many hospitals and healthcare facilities have increasingly adopted a variety of mobile solutions to address a number of task-related issues. The influx of technological tools like all- in-one computers and medical tablets within the hospital milieu has increased the level of efficiency that…

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